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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Cricklade-based Personal Trainers, we can help.

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Rewire Habit Coaching profile image

Rewire Habit Coaching

Ever found yourself splurging on a promise of transformation, only to realise you've actually signed up for a masterclass in "How to Waste Money 101"? Pull up a chair because I have a tale for you – and trust me, it's one for the books. There I was, £997 lighter and buzzing with the enthusiasm of a kid in a sweet shop, ready to dive headfirst into a 16-week program that promised to be the answer to all my dieting prayers. What could possibly go wrong, you ask? Oh, just you wait. Picture this: a jam-packed schedule, the kind that makes you wonder if you're secretly a superhero (minus the cape and the ability to fly). There I was, trying to juggle life, work, and a diet program designed for someone with the free time of a retired millionaire. Spoiler alert: I wasn't that person. Six weeks in, reality hit me like a truck. My grand plan had fallen apart faster than a house of cards in a wind tunnel. The program? A distant memory buried under a pile of "urgent" tasks. My wallet? Sobbing in the corner. My spirit? Let's not even go there. But here's the twist – that £997 disaster turned out to be the best mistake of my life. It was the wake-up call I needed to realise that no off-the-shelf program could cater to the chaotic masterpiece that was my life. And that's when the lightbulb moment happened. I learned that true transformation isn't about following a rigid plan designed for the "average" person. It's about creating a lifestyle change that dances to the rhythm of your own drumbeat. That's why I've dedicated myself to habit coaching, focusing on the real MVPs: mindset, resilience, and behaviour change. So, here I am, offering you the chance to skip the costly mistakes and jump straight to the part where you win. With my mentorship, you're not just getting a coach; you're gaining a cheerleader, a strategist, and a confidant rolled into one. We'll navigate your busy life together, transforming your habits and mindset at a pace that suits you, all while keeping your wallet happily intact. And the best part? 1 year with us is more affordable than a 12-week program with none of the pressure and all of the support. You'll have access to all my programs, courses, and challenges, plus the kind of personalised support that makes all the difference when life decides to throw you a curveball. Just so you know, we are currently offering a 14-day money-back guarantee, just in case you think we are not your cup of tea. So, if you're tired of the diet cycle and ready for a change that lasts, let's chat. Because together, we're about to turn those dieting disasters into a distant memory.

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Hear from
a professional

How do you help your clients achieve their fitness goals?

Our unique approach to achieving fitness goals hinges on understanding behaviour change and applying psychology. We don't just look at the physical aspects of fitness; we delve into the mindset and behaviours behind them. By leveraging behavioural psychology, we tailor strategies that align with your motivations and overcome barriers, making new habits feel achievable and natural.

We focus on small, manageable changes that lead to significant results, ensuring each step is psychologically reinforcing. This method builds mental resilience and a positive self-image alongside physical fitness. Our coaching goes beyond exercise and diet; it's about transforming your approach to health and fitness, ensuring long-term success through a blend of psychological insight and practical coaching.

What’s the secret to getting the body of your dreams?

The secret to getting the body of your dreams lies in consistency, a tailored approach, and understanding your own body. It's not about quick fixes or following the latest trends; it's about finding what works for you and sticking with it. Tailoring your diet and exercise to fit your lifestyle ensures you can maintain these changes long-term. Listening to your body and adjusting based on its needs is crucial. Ultimately, the real 'secret' is persistence, patience, and a bit of self-love along the journey.

What do you love most about your job?

What do I love most about my job? It’s like being the architect behind the scenes of the most epic lifestyle makeovers, minus the dramatic reality TV music. There’s a special kind of thrill in guiding someone to swap their Netflix binge for a morning jog, or their crisps for crunches. It’s not just about the physical transformation, though that’s a bonus; it’s about watching someone’s entire lifestyle do a 180.

Seeing a client’s eyes light up when they realise they’ve not just changed their waistline but their whole life approach is better than finding a forgotten tenner in your pocket. It’s those moments when they discover that yes, they can indeed be morning people, or that cooking healthy meals can be more satisfying than a takeaway. Every day, I get to witness people outliving their old selves, adopting habits they never thought possible, and that’s the real magic. Plus, convincing people that kale can be tasty (with the right recipe) always feels like a small victory. And let’s not forget, being the cheerleader to these lifestyle revolutions means I get to live in my sportswear, and honestly, who wouldn’t love that?

What inspired you to start your own business?

Honestly, running my own business allows me to stay true to my values when assisting others. I have the freedom to guide my clients in a way that I believe is most effective, choosing paths that I know will enable me to support them better.

Why should our clients choose you?

My team and I have walked in your shoes; we understand how life's challenges can turn even simple tasks into daunting missions when you're weighed down by stress. We recognise that you are an individual, with your own unique circumstances and hurdles. If you're reading this, chances are you've tried it all, yet nothing has stuck. That's often because past programmes failed to consider your personal situation. We get it, and that's exactly why you should choose us.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes, we can provide our services online or remotely, ensuring you receive the support and guidance you need, no matter where you are. Through the use of digital platforms, we offer a range of services that can be accessed from the comfort of your home or any location that suits you.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

We are online, so we keep that safe distance wink wink.

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