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Need to find a Personal Trainer in Birmingham?

We’ll connect you with the best Personal Trainers in Birmingham in minutes. Start your search and get free quotes today! 

Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Birmingham-based Personal Trainers, we can help.

First time looking for a Personal Trainer and not sure where to start? Let us do the legwork for you. Tell us about your project and we’ll send you a list of Personal Trainers in Birmingham to review.  

There’s no pressure to hire, so you can compare profiles, read previous reviews and ask for more information before you make your decision.

Best of all - it’s completely free!


Tell us your fitness goals

Everyone has their own health and fitness ambitions. We let you define your own goals whether you want to bulk up, lose a few pounds, or prepare for a special event. Any information you give will guide our search for your ideal personal trainer.


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Once we know your needs, we’ll provide you with quotes from some of the best personal trainers in Birmingham. Be notified every time a new quote arrives, or review them in your own time.


Find your ideal personal trainer

We aim to find the perfect professional for you. Our personal trainer profiles allow you to see qualifications, areas of expertise and read reviews. You can even contact them directly to find out more information.

Find certified Personal Trainers in Birmingham

Choose from the best personal trainers in Birmingham

Personal trainers are exactly that – personal. They'll understand what you're looking to achieve, and work one-on-one with you until you reach your fitness goal. You’ll benefit from a PT who is passionate about health and fitness. Not only that, their efforts to help you fulfil your potential can boost your self-esteem.

Getting the most out of your workout

There’s definitely a science to getting the most out of your workout. This is why personal trainers and fitness instructors will often have an impressive array of qualifications. They understand the body and how it works. It’s not about how much weight you can lift – posture, breathing, flexibility and movement are key to a successful workout. You don’t want to be wasting the time you spend at the gym by not working out properly. Personal trainers in Birmingham will also know exactly how hard to push you, so you avoid any injuries.

The right fuel for your workout

There’s a reason that bodybuilders and top athletes need an enormous amount of calories each day. If you’re looking to start exercising, getting your nutrition right is vital. We all know the importance of balance when it comes to what we eat. But, a personal trainer near you can devise a meal plan with all the right carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. They may also recommend supplements where necessary. This balance can vary based on your body type and fitness goals.

Help setting the right fitness goals

It’s a running joke (no pun intended) that gym memberships surge around the New Year and then steadily decline. The journey towards your ideal weight or body takes time. A personal trainer will ensure you set realistic expectations and will keep you motivated throughout. Many people feel self-conscious about exercising, especially at the gym. A PT will not only put you at ease, it’s their job to ensure you stay focused.

How much does a personal trainer cost in Birmingham?

Generally speaking, personal training averages between £30-£60 per session, but this can change depending on different factors.

If you’re ready to transform your fitness with a personal trainer but need to make sure the cost is within your budget, read our handy personal training price guide to find out just how much your personal trainer or gym trainer will charge based on the type of training, their experience, and where you live. It also includes top tips on saving money when hiring a personal trainer and even information on online personal training options!
Kim Pines Personal Trainer profile image

Kim Pines Personal Trainer

Kim Pines is a qualified personal trainer, specialising in weight loss and muscle gain. Kim works one-on-one with clients, designing exercise and diet plans around their specific fitness goals.

Hear from
a professional

What inspired you to be a personal trainer?

They say that if you pick a job that you love, you’ll never have to work a day in your life. I’d always found exercise great for my physical and mental wellbeing, so it always seemed ideal for me. Once I started my first few personal trainer courses, I realised that a career in fitness was worth pursuing.

What’s your favourite memory of work?

Even though it’s my job to motivate people, I never fail to be inspired by how far some of my clients have come. One of my earliest clients had been inactive for a number of years. We made real progress through a varied training programme that included weights, cardio and a meal plan. Last year they did their first marathon and I couldn’t have been more proud. Seeing them cross that finish line has to be up there as one of my favourite memories.

Are you qualified to offer nutritional/lifestyle advice?

To be honest, any personal trainer worth their salt should be. I have an HFE Level 3 Qualification in Nutrition and Weight Management. I’m also currently studying for my Level 4 to become an Obesity and Diabetes Specialist. There’s a lot that goes into health and fitness, it’s not just about lifting weights. To get the best results, your personal trainer should be looking at everything from diet and hydration to your sleeping habits. Fitness is a lifestyle, one that anyone can embrace with a few changes.

What’s it like training with you?

We both have to have clear fitness goals. Some clients want to reduce their body fat percentage. Others want to gain lean muscle mass, or really tighten up their physique. I’m very conscious that not everyone is active. I tailor my fitness programmes around the goals and each person’s individual abilities. I’m also a big believer in variety. We might be concentrating on a HIIT workout one day. On another day we may spend a lot of time in the squat rack!

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The average rating for Bark Personal Trainers in Birmingham is 4.93, based on 10,666 reviews.

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