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‘21 Certificate of Excellence

If you are a Business Owner that provides B2B services, you are now talking to the Highest Rated business service on BARK. Dont take our word for it, just read our reviews from real business owners just wanted resukts and certainly- just like you do. If you are open to seeking support & assistance from high talent, yet, highly experied Sales professional; we never fail to deliver and will never let you down... In fact, our clients say that 'investing in working with BusinessDeveloper was the smartest move I've made in business' (check our reviews- this is not smoke and mirrors, just real results talked about by business people that are just like you). We know that you have an excellent service, you just need someone that you can actually trust, working with you We are results leaders at Cold Calling, Digital Selling, E-mail marketing and all things which generate revenue. Here's A quick question? Why should you be considering a Business Developer, rather than a Business Consultant, Social Media Agency or Business Coach? Answer: A developer not only knows what a Consultant knows, but they actually work alongside you in a pro-active sense to get your Sales and Marketing tasks 'Done'. Consultants generally like giving theory, but not getting their hands dirty...and there is nothing wrong with that. However, when you are dead serious about create wealth and value through your business, you really need Do'ers, on your team. Either with you or for you (your choice). A developer isn't passive they actually get stuck in as well as being able to use Lean Principles to make sure that you arent just operating on theory, but 'action'. The Pharoah decided to build the pyramids. Mark Zuckerberg, designed Facebook. Steve Jobs led the ideas for Apple...But they found and hired help to actually get the execution done. At BusinessDeveloper, we stand for helping the masterminds (just like you), in delivering their services to the market place! We love the execution and building of sales process! If you are deadly serious and are working to Scaleup your business (and net worth) by riding the wave of the 'great digital business shift' (who isn't these days), but don't know to push through to the next level, you are in the best place right now. The great news is that you never have to work on (or in!) your business alone again. You're likely thinking, who are you and how can you best help me? Well, it is my job to make sure that your plan to grow turns into a consistent, high performing business asset that never lets you down and continually turns to create wealth for you and your loved ones... I help turn businesses achieve the scale that they are committed through the installation of our 'Lean Pipeline', which will that operate like a well oiled and beautiful machine. My name is Max Newton, having banked £4 million-plus for other businesses, I believe that your business can always grow and in ANY economy. The only question is, do you have the right formula. Sales, negotiating, marketing, and getting your name on the lips and fingertips of those who need what you have is key these days. Fortunately, myself and my team of business developers are expert at finding your best niche, working with you to nurture it over time and then collect the fruit from the value that we put in. When you work with us 3-6 months, you get an asset that generates leads, sales and ultimately; fulfillment and wealth. I am extremely focused on ensuring that the small businesses and startups that work with me, receive new profits by my systems and direction on their new selling processes that work more effectively in connecting with them with the customers that they want. In short. I help you from 'dreamer' to 'doer' to 'done', with a 100% satisfaction guarantee or your money back. After working with me you will have: -A full Social Media Marketing strategy that will give you the edge in your industry -YOUR FULL MONIES BACK, no questions asked, if I do not deliver on the targets that we agree upon reaching for yourself and your business. -New confidence to hunt for leads and close those leads. -Total competence to go out into the marketplace to pitch your product and service to ANYONE, and WIN. -Radical new closing ratios. If you are interested and have made a real commitment to making it happen, get in contact and i'll be glad to listen to you and listen to what you wish to achieve. In exchange, i'll tell you about how I work, why I am different from other coaches/consultants etc and how i intend to take you from A-Z. Even if you are not sure of what to do, let's speak and I'll give you some complimentary pointers, on the house. Sound like a deal? Get in contact, (if you meet the above criteria) I'd love to chat.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I love the fact that I am one of the very few people in London who has the ability to consistently show struggling business owners how to LIBERATE themselves and their families. I was a child of a struggling business owner; and I can tell you that watching your parents come home disappointed or worn out every day; SUCKED.

According to the University of Middlesex and the CPD, 70% of businesses in the UK have never thought about investing in Sales Coaching/Training.. It is no surprise that the minority of businesses; the 30% understand how to grow predictably and consistently. In many cases, members of the failing 70% are bought out by the successful 30% are then turned around and then either sold at a profit or just absorbed into the wider, ever growing company. That is if that member of the 70% hasnt burned through all of its cash and shut up shop yet, of course; 90% of UK small businesses fold within 3 years.

That does not have to be you, I want you to join the 30% not (unknowingly) the 70%.

I love to watch my clients who are business owners and sales managers develop themselves and their people to a stage where they have supreme confidence at operating in their marketplace because of their competency with the simple methods and systems that all of my clients latch on to .

I love to help people turn around their experiences of businesses, because it doesn't have to be hard and things do not have to be so have to be confusing or empty feeling.

You just need to be shown systems that work.

I have generated over 2 million in sales (in a relative amount of time) using them and I have helped clients double their sales in a month.

Which side sounds better to you? The 70% or 30%?

What inspired you to start your own business?

I started my agency because i have a track record for growing and turning around businesses quickly.

More importantly, I love watching and hearing my clients develop 'the twinkle in the eye' that comes from watching them become masters of their market. The inner confidence and (emotional, mental and financial )security that this feeling breeds is infectious and I am on a mission to help more people who are humble, deserving and vital, OWN that feeling.

I am on this mission because I have seen how losing in one's career can affect a family unit and a community. It does not have to be that way. I know because I have used to change my life (a few times over!)

This is why I get out of bed in the morning. To help business owners OWN the feeling of control over their destiny as opposed to OWNING worry, fear, and loss in their lives.

Why should our clients choose you?

You should choose me because I am so confident in my ability to help you drive growth, that if i fail in our agreed upon target for your growth I PROMISE to always:
-Give you back a FULL REFUND if you are unsatisfied.
-Even in that event, I will continue to work with you until we get there; together (I never give in, never!). This is about a lot more to me than your money.

My agency carries a rating of 8.9 out of 10 according to TRUSTPILOT. This means a lot to me and I will be gunning it to ensure that this does not drop! Check my reviews out here: https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/www.invisiblesalespro.com?utm_medium=Trustbox&utm_source=MicroStar

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based on 40 reviews

The average rating for Bark Business Consultants in London is 4.98, based on 40 reviews.

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