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Kathy McCarthy profile image

Kathy McCarthy

I bring all of my experience in nutrition, fitness, women's health (especially hormonal health and menopause) Pilates and in coaching behaviour change to work with you to create a truly personalised approach and plan - one you can feel good about doing and feel confident will give you results.

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Hear from
a professional

How do you help your clients achieve their fitness goals?

I offer a free 1: 1 consultation either via Zoom or telephone to get clear on your goals, medical history, exercise preferences and current lifestyle habits and to see if we are a good fit. Then we work together for a minimum of 3 months, I'll create bespoke workouts that are tailored to your current ability, time and equipment availability and something you'll enjoy. You can opt to do this by yourself or we can meet via Zoom for the workouts (at additional cost). I'll work with you to create and embed new lifestyle habits, addressing nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress. You'll get access to me via my app where I'll deliver extra education, resources and accountability and you'll have daily and weekly action steps and tasks that you feel ready, willing and able to take that move you towards your goal. I also have a private client Facebook community of women over 50 as additional community and support where I share extra tips, content and we have a weekly Group Training/call where we can do deeper dives into topics such as hormone balance, nutrition topics and mindset strategies (also recorded). Everything you need to succeed! I tailor the package to each individual based on their needs, level of support required and budget so do get in touch for a no-obligation chat.

What’s the secret to getting the body of your dreams?

Consistency with the basics - hydration, great sleep quality and quantity, eating plenty of vegetables and quality protein. Moving your body often in a way that feels good and you enjoy - you'll never get a body you love doing things you hate! Practicing self compassion and kindness - love and accept yourself as you are right now whilst striving for improvement. Have clear goals and progress markers that are meaningful to you. Understand that there is no such thing as failure only feedback, there are no "waggons" to get on or off- focus on one choice at a time and making that a little better than you were yesterday. Celebrate your wins however small, banishing the "shoulds" and comparisons. Stop looking for magic bullets and understand that you restrictive or faddy diets are not the answer - all you have to do is keep showing up and taking imperfect action. Get accountability and support (obvs I'm biased and would say hire me, but if you don't, then find a workout/accountability buddy)

What do you love most about your job?

Helping people improve their health via lasting habit change and add years to life and life to years. Taking complete exercise beginners or phobics and guiding them step by step to get them to rediscover the joy or movement and how being fitter and healthier improves all aspects of their life! Coaching people to have "a-ha" moments/lightbulbs around their patterns and behaviours around eating (it's never just about the food). I enjoy the social aspect of the job and get energised around people so I get to benefit too - it's win-win!

What inspired you to start your own business?

I was always a bit overweight as a kid, and got into Aerobics once I was able to drive aged 17. I fell in love with exercise and did my Exercise to music exam aged 20, then re-routed from having a place to study Economics at Uni to doing Sports Science! I've worked in the industry ever since doing various roles but became a self employed Personal trainer in 1997 at a prestigious health club in Berkshire. I've added many more skills and strings to my bow over the years (including Pilates, nutrition coaching, behaviour change coaching and becoming an expert in women's health). I have only recently moved into training online having relocated to Gloucestershire.

Why should our clients choose you?

If you are a woman aged 50 or above and experiencing weight loss resistance or unexplained weight gain, low energy, poor sleep, brain fog and maybe even a drop in confidence then I'm your gal. I specialise in women's health and my many years experience and skills in health and fitness mean I have a vast Toolkit, so I can tailor a bespoke package that's right for you. I particularly enjoy helping people who are new to exercise and don't know where to start as I meet them where they are at and guide and support them step by step to where they want to be. I don't subscribe to any dietary dogmas and am not in any "camp" when it comes to nutrition or training. I only use evidence-based proven methods and will work with my clients to find what works best for them, I don't impose my own biases or preferences onto them! Experience does count and being 50 myself , I can totally relate to their struggles and aspirations! I'm also a dog owner and lover and horsey - nothing to do with the training but hey! I'm human, fallible and real and supportive and empathetic not intimidating!

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes, that's my preference now due to the uncertainty around lockdowns, and I have 2 basset hound puppies who don't want Mummy to go out to work!
I provide a holistic package where we address your nutrition, sleep, stress as well as do the exercise prescription. I can deliver the program entirely through an app or we can do Zoom workouts and coaching (at extra charge) - I do individual packages so do get in touch for a free no-obligation chat about how I might be able to help you.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

Working online! Interestingly I am finding online clients get better results due to their increased autonomy, greater accountability and holistic lifestyle focus,.

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