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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Eastleigh-based Personal Trainers, we can help.

First time looking for a Personal Trainer and not sure where to start? Let us do the legwork for you. Tell us about your project and we’ll send you a list of Personal Trainers in Eastleigh to review.  

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Peak Performance Wellness & Rehab profile image

Peak Performance Wellness & Rehab


‘20 Certificate of Excellence

Are you a looking to lose weight? Tone up? Or maybe you've got an injury or problems you want to work on in a private one to one setting? Do your favorite clothes feel tight in all the WRONG places? Do you want to feel more confident and more assertive when you meet new people and walk into a room... If so... I’d bet you've tried to fix this MANY times... And failed... Right?! The good news is sorting your problems, getting in shape and looking better than 99% of people is pretty simple IF you're willing to be committed and work hard. You just need to STOP doing it the way you think (and have been taught) it should be done. It's WRONG... I'd like to show you how I help people from all walks of life go from out of shape and injury plagued, to being in better physical shape than people half their age. WITHOUT stupid fad diets, feeling starving, or having to live at the gym. Just go ahead and contact j•••••@••••.co.uk for a free, no-obligation success session with one of our specialist trainers to find out how. P.S - keep your card and money in your purse because you're not here for a sales pitch. This is to see if we can help you or not.

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Hear from
a professional

How do you help your clients achieve their fitness goals?

"The first thing I look for is a strong mentality towards training and healthy eating choices. If there are poor associations with either of these, I work with my clients to shift these into more positive associations and in the process, we shape their new positive habits for long-term results."

"The training itself is tough and demanding, but every session is individualized and tailored to the clients needs and wants. The nutritional advice is also highly individualized for the very reason that no two people are the same. Everyone is different and has different preferences, so I work with them to develop healthy habits of their own with regards to food".

What’s the secret to getting the body of your dreams?


"I will be blunt here, there is NO SECRET, only hard work and perseverance. Anyone else who says otherwise is full of hot air and B.S."

What do you love most about your job?

"I love the fact that I can have a positive long term effect on every single person that steps through the door of my studio. Sometimes just dropping a dress size or rehabilitating a niggling injury, can massively increase peoples confidence. Seeing people smile and getting the positive comments back makes it all worth while".

What inspired you to start your own business?

"Honestly, I hate being told what to do! That was the first nail in the coffin of me being employed. The second was when I found out I could help people become more confident in themselves and achieve similar results I had experienced. I was never a small kid and I was bullied a lot at school, so being able to help people become what they truly want and be happy in themselves is just amazing for me."

Why should our clients choose you?

"Very simple answer really. I provide a clear and effective blueprint towards either dropping a dress size or an amount of body fat."
"If the goal is rehab, I have worked with literally hundreds of people on this with great results. Specifically over 700 which I can count, but anyway the numbers and results speak for themselves".

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based on 134 reviews

The average rating for Bark Personal Trainers in Eastleigh is 4.97, based on 134 reviews.

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