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Liz Davies Miracle Coach profile image

Liz Davies Miracle Coach

East Sussex

‘21 Certificate of Excellence

I am based in Brighton and Hove (working online and in person) and I charge £150 for a 90 minute session (however due to current circumstances I am currently offering half price sessions so the cost is just £75) I use various techniques such as muscle testing (kinesiology) to find out what's really going on for you (we often don't fully know the answers consciously) and then energy psychology and energy medicine techniques to release negative thought forms, limiting beliefs and emotions at their root. We can then re-imprint positive messages and helpful, empowering beliefs in place of what's been released. There's no need to spend months or even years exploring your past in order to start feeling better - I often see instant results! This stuff really works. After working for many years in the NHS and various therapeutic roles, I have now created my own healing method which is hugely successful at releasing whatever could be making you feel sad, anxious, or holding you back in any way. I see results that could only be described as miraculous! Everything is energy and so emotional, energetic healing often leads to physical healing too. With my techniques you will become free of those repetitive negative thoughts and feelings, feel far more peaceful inside, and feel much better about yourself too! I help with the more subtle elements of life too - stress, anger, anxiety, low mood and other unpleasant emotions which can spoil your enjoyment of life. These difficult emotions are simply "echoes" of thoughts and feelings from the past, that are repeating on a loop in order for you to heal them. Once these thoughts and feelings are released at the root, they do not bother you any more and you are free to be the best version of yourself that you'd love to be. Difficulties at work, and in personal relationships, or worries about anything and everything, are generally a reflection of how we feel inside - so if we can get our self into balance, and our inner feelings and beliefs in line with what we really want, then things really do fall into place. The negative chatter stops. Life flows how you want it to. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, I'd love to help you - so please do get in touch!

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I love seeing people's faces change from when they walk into an appointment to when they leave! I see people's shoulders drop, their faces light up, and their whole energy lifts! The lightness of being that comes with releasing our emotional baggage is very real and so rewarding to see.

I love the results that people then see in their lives as a result of letting go of emotional problems at the root. Businesses become more profitable, relationships become more harmonious, people's health improves and their overall levels of joy massively increase. I absolutely love to see all of these things!

What inspired you to start your own business?

I worked for the NHS for many years and always knew that one day I would run my own business, offering my own unique blend of skills to help people in the best way possible.

Once I had trained in hypnotherapy and EFT, I started off by dropping my hours in my NHS work and doing private practice a few days per week. After a while this became untenable because the results I saw in my private practice were dramatically different (better!) compared to my NHS clients because I was free to be flexible in my approach and to use the therapies that I knew to be most effective.

So a few years ago I left the NHS to focus on my own business full time, and never looked back!

The results I see are often nothing short of miraculous - when we work with the subconscious mind and release our patterns and habits at the root, then anything becomes possible!

Why should our clients choose you?

Because I'm very good at what I do and I'd love to help you to feel better!

I absolutely love my work, the result I see are so rewarding, and it is my mission to help as many people as I can to feel happier, lighter and freer! Would you love to be free of your "stuff"? To stop going round in circles and to free yourself to live how YOU choose?

Get in touch with me I'd love to help you!

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The average rating for Bark Therapists in Brighton is 4.95, based on 407 reviews.

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