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When you're in need of help, finding the right therapist can be a daunting task that can prevent you from reaching out. At Bark we're determined to make this easier, and bring you a range of therapy options quickly, efficiently and completely for free. Just tell us what you're looking for from your therapist, and we'll find and contact all of the suitable specialists in your area. Therapists who can help will contact you directly, and explain how they would work with you.
Wholehearted Therapy and Counselling profile image

Wholehearted Therapy and Counselling

Yi Shan is a trauma and relationship/couples therapist who uses a salutogenic (wellness-based) approach with individuals and couples to shift them from being in a “survival” to “thriving” state of being. Her healing philosophy is that no one is flawed or damaged. By applying neuroscience-based knowledge and skills, as well as strategically applying their existing assets in small, concrete steps, everyone is capable of opening the door to a compassionate and long-lasting “home” within themselves and their relationships. Yi Shan has held talks at Amazon Web Services (AWS), the Singapore Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and the Career Development Association of Singapore (CDAS).

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

It gives me great joy and privilege to support my clients as they learn to reconnect deeply and meaningfully with themselves and their loved ones. There is no greater blessing than watching them develop the self-awareness, self-control and concrete skills that transforms them into the “main character” of their lives.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Having the creative flexibility and clinical freedom to fine-tune my therapeutic approach basis current neuroscientific research. Seeing the postive clinical outcomes of clients as they transform from a “surviving” to a “thriving” state.

Why should our clients choose you?

My approach is clear, practical, and holistic. It encompasses thought, feeling, action and our nervous-system, which (like it or not) unconsciously controls a big part of our lives. Once we understand and stabilise our nervous system, we avoid relapsing into old self-sabotaging behaviours and accelerate our body’s natural capacity for healing and long lasting life-changes.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes tele-therapy via Googlemeet is a viable option.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

Wearing masks in-person or tele-therapy via googlemeet as required.

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based on 4,966 reviews

Vans has been an amazing coach, very knowledgeable. He makes sessions custom made to every client’s need and body requirement. Highly recommend.

15 Jul 2024

My experience: It is extremely different from what you'd expect a therapy session to be. Comes off very spiritual but she uses the term metaphysical. It's basically manifesting and detaching yourself from your trauma to allow yourself to heal without the burden pulling you down. But it doesn't solve anything. Your issues will still be there, nothing she does will directly help you figure out logically how to move forward...the answers/clarity you get are internal and it'll be loudest during and after this session. You might feel awkward or weirded out during the session but if you really want to just feel better and in a more controlled yet peaceful state with yourself, your body and soul, then she will help a lot. After a session with her, i genuinely feel better...a lot more calm and grateful and in control of my reactions and actions. But, again, my issues are still there, they still linger and crave to be resolved. The difference is that I can do things I need to do without feeling too drained and like as if I am being held at a chokehold where I really wouldn't have any energy because I would be thinking about my problems 24/7. 100/100% worth it and it is an entirely new experience in itself. Don't come expecting to talk about your issues. Just know that you will feel lighter, more confident, and just overall better by the end of her session. She is an extremely sweet person herself.

05 Jul 2024

We got a trainer very quickly via Bark.com. Without Vans, we wouldn't have discovered our potential for exercises or known how to utilize the equipment in our condo gym. We appreciate his guidance, which has made us feel at ease despite not being exercise enthusiasts, gradually helping us progress. Our journey to a healthier lifestyle wouldn't have started without him. Thank you very much Vans!!

03 Jul 2024

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