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When you're in need of help, finding the right therapist can be a daunting task that can prevent you from reaching out. At Bark we're determined to make this easier, and bring you a range of therapy options quickly, efficiently and completely for free. Just tell us what you're looking for from your therapist, and we'll find and contact all of the suitable specialists in your area. Therapists who can help will contact you directly, and explain how they would work with you.
Organic Mental Fitness And Well-Being profile image

Organic Mental Fitness And Well-Being

ONLINE ONLY -Lynn is a Mental Health Nurse, Psychotherapist, Intuitive Coach, Breathwork Facilitator, Mind Health Practitioner So what in your life feels out of control for you? Does conflict taint your relationships? Is the inner critical voice overpowering your will to focus and concentrate on what is good about your life? Are you exhausted from the demands of life and putting everyone else's needs before your own? Do these negative cycles feel never-ending? Do you cope using over-eating over-drinking over-thinking over-shopping over-doing but you can't seem to stop? Are you really tired and exhausted of the same old same old, with those feelings of guilt and shame added to create the perfect mix of burnout and breakdown? Lynn prides herself on bringing people back to their natural state of well-being by working with mind body and soul. She is a go-to professional service centred on creating a better way of life from the perspective and aspirations of the person. This means that every approach is individually tailored to personal needs, bringing people a powerful experience. This transformative journey supports you in making choices and implementing strategies to move forward to a better level of living life permanently. Lynn provides a safe non-judgemental authentic space for people to be and express themselves. Regardless of where people are beginning they are supported in exploring their life challenges while building their strength and confidence, showing them how to build a life of ease and joy and create resilience for healthy relationships and happy living now and into their future. Say 'Yes' to Confidence Clarity and Self-Power more anxiety, self-doubt, guilt, sadness, anger or overwhelm. No more holding yourself back with that inner negative dialogue, of not 'enough-ism'. No more comparing your capacity and ability to others. No more allowing others to take the prize because of losing the inner battle to your self-critic. No more conflict in relationships with work colleagues, loved ones, partners or children. So join me, because doing something differently is the only way to better your life. Reach out and avail of a complimentary call, it costs you nothing but you have so much to lose staying the same. Life is beautiful and graceful when you know how to live it. It is time to stop beating up on yourself, stop the harshness towards yourself and instead start being your champion and winning the better life you deserve. This is how the world begins to work in your favour and starts to feel smooth and carefree. So become calm amongst the chaos in the world and flow with self-confidence and certainty in your self-expression regardless of the people or circumstances surrounding you. Get In Touch And Lets Chat! I look forward to connecting with you. Lynn Additional Information Lynn specialist in brain health assessments for anxiety depression AHHD/ADD OCD, PTSD & Trauma Initial appointment 95 Euro (1.5hrs) Follow on app: 90 Euro (60-75mins)

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

That I see greatness in everyone - and the joy I feel in helping others see it in themselves gives me my passion for my work

What inspired you to start your own business?

Working in mental health systems and processes that were disempowering to people left me stressed & burnout - I wanted to share with people how to master their own lives without dependence on others to live a happy heathy life

Why should our clients choose you?

Because my joy comes from people realising and acting on their full potential taking back control of their life and having freedom to live on their terms - That's my mission for everyone I come in contact with. I have walked this line and everything I share I am a living example of it. A living example of going from 'Crappy To Happy'

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes online/remotely . I offer my services online and remotely . online - online on line on line -Yes - online/remotely . I offer my services online and remotely . online- online on line on line Yes online/remotely . I offer my services online and remotely . online online only on line on line

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

This has not been necessary working online.This has not been necessary working online.This has not been necessary working online.This has not been necessary working online.This has not been necessary working online.This has not been necessary working online.This has not been necessary working online.This has not been necessary working online.

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The average price of Therapists is €60 per session

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based on 4,850 reviews

Working with Gary was great. He guides the conversation well helping to come to conclusions and thoughts naturally. He has helped me a lot in many areas, some more then what I originally went to him for which I’m so grateful for

21 Jul 2024

Been working with Gary the last few weeks and already seeing a massive benefit from our time chatting about life and how to change my mindset for the better. When I first started this journey my self worth was in the toilet and my anxiety was creeping back in after having a handle on it for a long time, Gary has turned this all around in just a few sessions and I look forward to continuing to work through my limiting beliefs and negative self talk with him. Give him a call, you won't regret it.

13 Jul 2024

Gary is a unique approach to coaching. He has a vast knowledge bank in regards to mens mindset and mentality. He will for sure question your actions and words criticially, give you great positive feedback and help you yourself realize the solutions needed (which is the most powerful, because then you own the solution more). Besides that he is a genuint pleasant guy to talk with and a guy that truly cares.

13 Jul 2024

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