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When you're in need of help, finding the right therapist can be a daunting task that can prevent you from reaching out. At Bark we're determined to make this easier, and bring you a range of therapy options quickly, efficiently and completely for free. Just tell us what you're looking for from your therapist, and we'll find and contact all of the suitable specialists in your area. Therapists who can help will contact you directly, and explain how they would work with you.
Boost Of Joy: Master the mind, live in the heart. profile image

Boost Of Joy: Master the mind, live in the heart.

Coaching and Counselling for Healing and Transformation. Are you feeling alone, lost or stuck? Do you feel you are perpetually living a life in survival mode? Do you want to feel joy and delight in your life instead of stress, anxiety and depression? I once did too. I used food, alcohol, medications, co-dependent relationships, productivity, social media and staying busy to keep my anxiety and emotions at bay. Does this sound familiar? It can seem so difficult to step out of this cycle of suffering. Allow me to show you how to tap into the rich resources of your own inner wisdom, so you can build a strong foundation of peace, clarity of vision and joy for life. I help you become self aware…and access your power, discover hidden truths, unveil blind spots, create a new trajectory, and receive healing. I offer the unique combination of practical Neuro Linguistic Programming (working with the mind and its subconscious programs) as well as the intuitive flow of surrendering to the heart’s guidance system. I can confidently assure you that awakening to your programming brings freedom and peace. You are not alone! Right now millions of others are consciously choosing to break free from the old paradigm and unlock their optimal self.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

It is wonderful to witness a healing or transformation take place in my clients life. It may be just a glimmer in their eye or a tear released, but I intuitively know it is the start of a new and exciting trajectory.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I am a compassionate heart-based intuitive life coach and counsellor who brings understanding and empowerment to each client as they navigate the challenges of a life of contrast and expansion. Establishing my business in 2014, I have refined my approach over time to specialise in creating a life of flow and ease, focusing on the balance between the head and heart. This, in turn, has created far more powerful and lasting positive effects in the lives of my clients. I draw on my personal challenges and experience with an eating disorder, grief and loss, co-dependence, and addictions, and can show you how to lead a life of inner freedom and awaken to your true self.

My community often describe my personality as calm, wise and warm-hearted. I am trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming, life coaching, counselling, heart-based science, and hypnosis. I see the need for leadership, education, and the tools to become personally empowered and self-aware. I know what it feels like to experience the highs and lows of the awakening process as we move further into new levels of consciousness. Today I am deeply grateful to be able to bring together my skills and gifts to offer a long-lasting boost of joy to my community.

Why should our clients choose you?

I offer the unique combination of practical Neuro Linguistic Programming (working with the mind and its subconscious programs) as well as the intuitive flow of surrendering to the heart's guidance system.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

I offer sessions from the comfort of your own space via Zoom.

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The average price of Therapists is $120 per session

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based on 12,547 reviews

Anastasia is an amazing therapist. She’s a great listener, remembers all the small yet important details and explains everything before providing an intervention. She asks great questions and has really helped me overcame my mental limiting beliefs and struggles.

25 Jul 2024

Just a genuinely good hearted person that has the tools to back up her profession. I felt comfortable in her presence.

22 Jul 2024

I have been seeing Renee for more than a year now. I’m very grateful to have her always there for me, and because of her consistent support and guidance, I have experienced significant emotional growth, which I cannot appreciate enough.

18 Jul 2024

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