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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Northwich-based Therapists, we can help.

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Hello I'm Benjamin, I’m a Success Coach, not only that but I am one half of The Mindful Gents too. I am passionate about the power of our minds, the reality around us and how it affects our lives. I thrive off assisting others to find their true passion in life and start to really live the life they know deep down is possible. I have online courses and work 1-2-1 with clients too, be it on a personal level or with their small business. I have such passion in assisting another person to find their inner connection with who they really are and find a purpose in life. Purpose doesn’t have to be saving the world, but by just rediscovering what makes you tick and what makes you happy. I pride myself in covering all areas including lifestyle, mindfulness, thoughts, actions and how life works. Normally just a few tweaks are needed to get back into your groove and start to really enjoy your life. I also don’t mind talking about things not normally talked about, including the true potential of our minds, spirituality and quantum physics…but most importantly how it can change YOUR life.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime". That is what I feel I do and it's so satisfying to see people change their lives (and that ripping out to friends and family...) by just changing their mindset. We are taught in school what foods are good for us and that exercise is good for you but when are we taught how to deal with jealousy, sadness or anger? I will give you the tools to change your life starting from today...but only if you are willing to change too. :)

What inspired you to start your own business?

People have said for years that I should do it but after 10 years of slowly studying, but more importantly putting it into practise, I feel I am ready to share what I have learnt with other people ready for the big change. I also wanted to freedom to do more amazing things and that is what this will give me.

Why should our clients choose you?

I would never call myself a 'lifecoach' per se as I feel it doesn't fairly represent what I do. I am perfect for people who have read all the 'Self Help' books, the Law of Attraction, Secrets etc but it still isn't working for them. I push the boundaries by talking about Quantum Physics, Energy and things outside a lot of the normal remits of 'coaching'. If you really want to take it to the next level then I think I may be for you.

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The average rating for Bark Therapists in Northwich is 5.00, based on 120 reviews.

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