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Bon-Accord Genealogy & Probate Research profile image

Bon-Accord Genealogy & Probate Research

‘21 Certificate of Excellence

My company has been established to make a link with your ancestors by researching your family history and providing copies of extracts from Birth, Marriage and Death Register entries. I will also be looking at the estates of the deceased where they have passed intestate (with no will in place) in an attempt to reunite the proceeds of those estates with any living relatives. Based in Aberdeen, Scotland, I will undertake research of any sort, tailored to your specific requirements. Please see my website for further details but note that the prices noted are for accessing Scottish records. www.ba-genealogy.com.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

The best thing about my job is getting the satisfaction of finding the ancestors that my clients are looking for, preparing a family tree and providing the evidence of births, marriages and passing through copies of the relevant certificates and ultimately passing on a complete record in a binder for passing down the family.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I’d been working on my tree for several years and enjoyed it so much that I offered my services to a few friends who said that they were impressed with what I had done for them. After giving it some consideration I figured that I may be able to make a living from it.

Why should our clients choose you?

My experience should give clients confidence that I can provide what they are looking for at a reasonable price and in a timely manner.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

The majority of my work is carried out remotely from my customers. I provide an initial free consultation to understand my client’s requirements. From there my work is done primarily online and communications with my clients are done by phone, e-mail and through social media.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

Thankfully, because I am a sole trader, I work from home and no clients visit me personally, Covid-19 has not had a serious impact on my business.

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The average price of Genealogists is £20.00 per hour

Region Great Value



based on 2,965 reviews

I recently hired SleekHacks[emilypeterson259@gmail.com] for a private investigation, and they exceeded all expectations. Professional, discreet, and incredibly thorough, SleekHacks [emilypeterson259@gmail.com] uncovered the truth swiftly and efficiently. Highly recommend them for any investigative service that you or anyone might need them for.

15 Jul 2024

Amy has done a lovely job on a family tree as a gift for my mum. Professional service, always quick to reply to any enquiries you may have. I would definitely recommend this company to anyone looking to trace their past.

06 Jul 2024

I have only just started but they seem very good and helpful.

02 Jul 2024

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