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Let Bark find you an expert to help you with your family tree. Whether you're looking to trace lost relatives or understand where you came from Bark has 100s of Pros ready to help you today.
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Maybe you have some gaps in your family tree or perhaps have some unknown family members you are looking to confirm. I believe that it is in understanding the story of, not just them, but in those around them, that we can find the small details that lead to us being able to break through brick walls. I can support clients with building their family tree, presenting their family tree, validating tree information, making sense of DNA results and in capturing audio history of loved ones. I am particularly interested in supporting clients who have experience removal from their family or who have a Non-Paternal Event (unknown father), and understand personally the challenges of navigating information (particularly where it may not be publicly available) and DNA matching.

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Hear from
a professional

What inspired you to start your own business?

Though Genealogy was not my first career, it was one of my first passions. I remember as a child regularly visiting the Genealogist Society of the Northern Territory with my Aunty as we searched for information about our own family history.

As I became more and more interested in family history, I later expanded on this research, uncovering previously unidentified family members and further resources to help tell the stories of my ancestors.

With the introduction of DNA testing, I quickly realised how powerful it is as a tool.

I uncovered information that I would never have found in official documents, breaking down brick walls and proving that some family stories are not always what they seem to be.

Over time I started to assist others in their search for their adopted or unknown relatives through DNA matching, which led me to complete a Diploma in Family History to formalise my skills, before launching Linealogy.

Why should our clients choose you?

I understand the desire to know your own history, the frustration of not knowing and how sensitive the topic of family can be.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Depending on where you are, we can communicate by Zoom, phone or email. If you are in Victoria, Australia, an appointment can be made for a face to face meeting if this is your preference.

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based on 82 reviews

I found working with Julie very easy. She is very accommodating and happy to take phone queries to answer questions. I am pleased with her work and have no hesitation in recommending her. A friend is about to commit to using her services. Thanks Julie.

23 Jul 2024

I gave Julie a rather difficult assignment with my family history. I had done some research myself but Julie was able to provide opportunities for me to progress by solving some mysteries. There is more to come, and I will feel very comfortable asking Julie to help again sometime in the future.

23 Jul 2024

Working With Julie at Everything Genealogy was a pleasure and easy to work with. I would recommend working with Julie at any time when trying to find your family history. she is very interesting and knows her Genealogy very well.

22 Jul 2024

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