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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Aylesham-based Therapists, we can help.

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Phoenix Therapies profile image

Phoenix Therapies

Life can be turbulent at times and we may feel like we are being thrown off course, when this happens it may be difficult to get back up and find our way. There may be obstacles that stand in our way, some that we haven’t had to navigate before and some that we are unaware of. This can sometimes lead us to finding ways of ‘coping’ with things in a certain (sometimes negative) way, in order to be able to ‘survive’, if these are maladaptive/harmful then they may cause further issues. By dealing with the initial issues we can attempt to build you up, so that you are able to rise past your issues. Sorting the foundations is effective, as it allows your take off to be steady but also by strengthening the foundations (positive coping strategies) enables you to withstand an amount of turbulence/wobble without being brought all the way back down. This is acheived using a variety of techniques, but ultimately one that will suit you - as support does not fit into a “one size fits all” box. Hi

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I absolutely love being able to help people from all walks of life, in whatever their needs. Seeing progression, relief and happiness is what makes this work worthwhile. Also the amount of freedom that some feel, setting them free from past or present issues. Seeing people flourish in their own way and being a part of that journey, no matter how complex from severe trauma to life coaching is just amazing. Living a contented life is possible ♥️

What inspired you to start your own business?

The fact that I am able to tailor support to the individual. I strongly disagree in ‘one box fits all’ and certainly dont have a tick list. Therapy sessions are personalised and adapted to the individuals needs, taking everything into account, whether neurodivergency, cultural and all other considerations ♥️

Why should our clients choose you?

Sessions are for the full hour, notes, formulations, homework are done in my time - not the clients.
Sessions are not rigid and are allowed to flow naturally, however a structured session can be accommodated if a clients prefers this ♥️

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

I provide online/remote sessions via audio or video. This allows more flexibility as time for commuting doesn’t need to be factored in, nor parking etc.

I am also able to offer evening sessions ♥️

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I have changed to remote/online sessions. Phoenix Therapies ♥️

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