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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Belsize Park-based Personal Trainers, we can help.

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New member offer for Summer 2024! Book a bespoke 6 week summer package for 22nd July-Aug 31st and get a 20% discount! Start now, and get a 10% discount on sessions taken during July 1st-21st! Contact me directly (my details are visible here to do so) if you are ready to invest in yourself. Specialities: Body Transformations that stops you yo-yoing and does not make you feel lethargic and hangry. Amateur Performance Training for cycling, running, golf, football or basketball. Rehabilitation Routine after/during injury to get you back to your best. Improve the Health and Longevity of your whole Family. Why should you invest in yourself? With our vigorous attention to detail, seeking to understand each unique detail about you and 12 years experience of bespoke programming, we promise by working together you can achieve what you set your heart and mind to. Body Transformations (See photos below) - 6 week visual transformations with 4-6kg lost! Results tracked within my app include 6-8kg weight loss (more including body fat%) within 3-5 months. Amateur Sport Performance - I have helped runners achieve 5ks to marathons with multiple personal bests. I have worked with people that play football, golf, sail and boxing, increasing their performance. As an avid cyclist myself I have massively increased my own performance and average speed all without injuries through specialised programming. 312km Mallorca Sportive completed, and Ride London 2024 in 5:16 (1:10 faster than 2023). Rehab - Back pain, shoulder pain or knee pain? You don’t need to continue putting up with it. Most pain can be improved immediately or progressively through the correct movement and exercise program. I completed the Ben Cormack Rehab Mentorship in 2013, since then every person I’ve worked with can confirm their pain reduced considerably or to zero working with me. Family Training - Get healthier together and grow stronger bonds. I train parents and their teenagers to improve their mental health, confidence, strength and create positive lifestyle habits that help build strong foundations through an important family phase. Over the last 12 years I have worked with many high performers including: a top 50 most influential Brit, a major philanthropist, a social media influencer, property developers, lawyers, multiple MD bankers, several business owners, lots of mums and dads, many of their teenage children, and so many others. I look forward to adding you to this list. Availability: Currently available within a private PT studio in NW1 or limited availability in Highgate/Hampstead. Hybrid Training - We take on 2 people per month max. Online Training - Available for bespoke programming. Prices start from £59-£379 per month for Online/Hybrid Training and £1,300-£3,960 for 3 months of Bespoke 1-1 Personal Training. If you are ready to become the best version of yourself Text or Email us directly. We'd like to discuss your requirements in more detail and then I can guide you in the direction that fits best for you. *If you are not ready then ask yourself why you're not ready. Start somewhere now. Eat less junk food or increase sleep quality, get more sun, walk more, or do those exercises your physio gave you, do rather than think. Then I hope you are ready to contact me to take things to the next level!

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Hear from
a professional

How do you help your clients achieve their fitness goals?

I've been a Personal Trainer for 12 years. In that time I've worked with many people from different backgrounds (check my about). I'm NOT one of those bootcamp style trainers shouting, beating you up and making you do countless knee breaking burpees without purpose.
My style is understanding your mental and physical capabilities, utilising your strengths and creating the best route so that you become a better version of yourself.
I combine what I've learned from traditional bodybuilding, movement training, one of the best rehab mentors in the UK, a globally recognised nutrition course, and many other principles on top of over a decade of experience to achieve your fitness goals.

What’s the secret to getting the body of your dreams?

The real secret is knowing what you really want and most importantly why. Tying your goal with your real deep reason is what keeps you focussed throughout the journey.
Follow these below tips.

1. You're here for a reason reading this. Make a fast decision, go all in, stop thinking, just do. Waiting longer only keeps you in your current position.
2. Utilise the short term window of motivation to work with the right trainer to build discipline within the first few weeks.
3. Working with your trainer, accept the advice with an open mind and implement straight away.
4. Stick with the process. You may see small changes, or larger ones, but importantly you will progress. Eventually any (if any) former excuses to not exercising will change to you making excuses to exercise! Trust me, I've done it :)

What do you love most about your job?

Seeing the journey of people improving themselves. It always has a positive outcome on everything and everyone else around them.

What inspired you to start your own business?

My own self improvement and wanting to reciprocate the benefits I received from turning my health around inspired me to the path I'm on.

As a teenager I was not sporty, fit, or strong. Quite the opposite.
Around 19/20 I started training myself to build up my confidence, strength, body and mind. My first job ever was at my local gym, I became a self employed Personal Trainer within 18 months and became very popular there over the next 3 years before moving to a private studio in Hampstead. As an 'initiation' I was given the diary of clients no one else wanted as they were 'difficult'. It turns out I worked very well with all the clients and within 3 months I broke the record for most sessions delivered in a week. In 2010 I set a 10 year goal to open my own gym by 2020. I almost achieved this as I was building a gym in another country with a former client before the pandemic resulted in us closing the build 1/2 way through construction.

I am now focussing on a goal of helping 10,000 people improve their lives through enhancing their health.
My journey has so far taken me starting as a fitness instructor to now working with a wide range of people from HNWI's, families, professionals and many interesting people I love working with over the years. I hope you would like to join everyone else I have worked with to go on your own health journey.

Why should our clients choose you?

Excellence. That's what I want from you, and what you should want from me.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes. I utilise an app containing multiple programs for specific goals ranging from 2-4x a week workouts for gaining muscle, lowering body fat, improving posture and more.
I build programs tailored specifically to you and your requirements.

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based on 63 reviews

The average rating for Bark Personal Trainers in Belsize Park is 4.93, based on 63 reviews.

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