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Keith Simpson General Builders profile image

Keith Simpson General Builders

Keith Simpson General Builders employ a small team of experienced contractors to serve homes, small businesses, and industrial clients. We’ve got over 25 years of experience.

Hear from
a professional

What led you to become a professional builder?

I started working as a day labourer when I finished school. At first, it was simply to tide me over. Soon, I realised what goes into every building you pass on the street. After a few years, I began taking on more and more responsibility. From there it was a matter of time before I branched out independently. I’ve learnt that employees respect someone who's done the hard work and got their hands dirty.

How do you guarantee the best possible service?

We're able to handle nearly every construction project you can think of. We take a lot of pride in craftsmanship, as it gives our customers the best value for money. I’ll never excuse work that’s less than perfect, even if a customer is putting pressure on us to get the job finished ahead of time.

What additional services do you offer your customers?

Our company offers mainly homebuilding and renovation services. Recently I’ve taken on more commercial building contractors. People in this line of work tend to think big, so we’ve been able to carry out renovations for whole blocks of flats. I’ve got a Level 3 Diploma in Electrotechnical Services, specialising in installations. This means I’m usually the one who’ll fit power systems, lighting, and any fire protection systems.

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The average price of Builders is £2,030

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based on 395,939 reviews

The team came out and assessed the jobs, and then provided a great quote for my consideration. Completed fibre glass roof and draining and internal tanking to garage. ALL works completed to high specifications and fully guaranteed All the team were punctual and friendly and very professional No pushy sales just a great company for all house building construction and works completed to building regulations standards. Thankyou

18 Sep 2024

Fantastic job, really happy with the work thanks again.

18 Sep 2024

Super job done, efficiently and effectively. Thank you. Sorry this is late!

18 Sep 2024

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