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Whether it's maths tuition, science, English or something else it’s easy to find a tutor near you with Bark.

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Can I find online Tutoring on Bark?

Absolutely! It’s easy to connect with online tutors on Bark. All you need to do is tell us what you’re looking for, and we’ll put you in touch with thousands of experienced online tutoring services. Whether you’re looking for an English tutor, a piano tutor or Physics and Maths tutors, we’ll help you find the best match for the job.

Should you choose online Tutoring or home Tutoring?

It’s a completely personal choice whether to opt for tutoring online or a home tutor. Some people respond better to in-person tutoring whilst others prefer the remote relationship of online tutoring. Many people find that online tutoring fits into their schedule better and may also be cheaper. However, others prefer the more personal relationship that home tutoring offers. The most important thing is that you have a good relationship with your private tutor. The best tutors will be able to teach just as effectively both online and in person.

What to look for in a private Tutor

It can be hard to know what to look for in a private tutor. You want to find the best tutors but what exactly should you be looking for? First things first, you want someone you can relate to. Someone who understands how challenging it can be to learn something new and can empathise when you struggle. You’ll also want to look for a private tutor who is passionate about their subject, as well as having experience tutoring the age group you require, whether that’s adult tutoring, primary tutoring or GCSE tutoring.
Paro Tuition profile image

Paro Tuition


‘21 Certificate of Excellence

11 Plus, Maths, English and Science tuition for children aged 5 – 16 taught by qualified, specialist tutors covering Gravesend and the surrounding areas for in person tuition. We also teach online! We provide 11 Plus, Maths, English and Science tuition for children aged 5 – 16 taught by qualified, specialist teachers covering Gravesend and Medway. This includes Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3 and GCSE. All of our tutors have very in-depth knowledge of their subject. We also cover all aspects of 11 Plus preparation including verbal, non verbal and spatial reasoning as well Maths and English. Over the last 8 years Paro Tuition have helped hundreds of students in and around Gravesend. With over 25 years of combined teaching experience we know how to bring the best out of every individual learner. Our specialist teachers understand the complexities of their subjects and know how to ensure progress for students of all ages and abilities. All of our teachers are DBS Checked and teach in a safe, comfortable learning environment designed to maximise concentration and to inspire every student that walks through our doors. The teaching system is personalised to the individual student and designed to overcome weaknesses which will aid in developing confidence. We take pride in giving regular, detailed feedback to parents to keep them informed of the progress being made, any weak areas, topics covered and how we can work together to further develop the student.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Seeing students' confidence improve! This is the most rewarding part of my job. I also love to see them taking a greater interest in school as a result of their knowledge and confidence improving.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Having close family members and friends who have been self-employed as well as others who hated working for somebody else in professional jobs. Another major factor was having the opportunity to do something I enjoyed which also helps people.

Why should our clients choose you?

Having attended a local grammar school and a top university, my own educational background is very strong. My experience of these things also means that I understand the different routes available to students, meaning I'm able to provide plenty of advice right the way through their school lives and beyond.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes! We've setup an online platform to give students and parent a great online learning experience.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

We've completed and implemented procedures based on our thorough risk assessment. This includes staggering lesson times to clean in-between, spacing out students, sanitising and many more.

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The average price of Tutors is £28.00 per hour

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based on 93,308 reviews

Catherine provided excellent tutoring for our son in preparation for his Maths GCSE exams. Prior to Catherine’s support our son had gaps in learning and lacked confidence. We are pleased to say this this changed with Catherine’s involvement- his ability to tackle exam questions has improved significantly and he feels far more confident. Communication with Catherine is excellent. She provides excellent weekly feedback that gives clear direction with regard to next steps. We are so pleased we found Catherine through Bark and highly recommend her as a tutor to help your child make great progress in Maths.

06 Jun 2024

Uzma tutored me for maths and I would highly recommend her. Not only is Uzma a great tutor, she is incredibly polite, friendly and approachable!

06 Jun 2024

Uzma’s honestly such a great teacher and is always willing to do everything she can to help me as i’m a homeschooling student who started receiving lessons in january and honestly has really helped me a lot with all subjects and really elevated my grades.

06 Jun 2024

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