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The Angry Vegan Personal Training profile image

The Angry Vegan Personal Training

West Yorkshire

‘19 Certificate of Excellence

Welcome to The Angry Vegan Personal Training at Yorkshire Kettlebell Club in Huddersfield HD1, where we cut through the fitness fluff and get down to what really works - old-school strength training. I’m Liam O’Brien, a Master Trainer who believes in the no-nonsense power of kettlebells and barbells. Fran, my partner in lifting and life, is a Women’s Health wizard turned strength guru, transforming the lives of middle-aged and menopausal women, one squat at a time. Our gym is where barbells meet kettlebells in a symphony of strength, supported by the grit of suspension training. Forget about fads; we’re about starting now and building habits that don't just last a lifetime - they make that lifetime better. Training here means no distractions, just pure focus, because lifting weights is about more than muscles; it's about building mental fortitude and a life worth lifting for. Join us at The Angry Vegan, where every session is a step towards a you that’s not just stronger in body, but unbreakable in spirit.

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Hear from
a professional

How do you help your clients achieve their fitness goals?

For me the relationship I have with my clients is the key to success. I need to understand them completely, what they are hoping to achieve, what their current lifestyle is like, their likes, dislikes and what motivates them. Every plan or program I create is specific to the client and is constantly evolving. Each training session is planned around a clients performance at previous sessions and will always take into account any injuries or dangers whilst still pushing them to perform at their absolute best and to get the most out of each session.

What’s the secret to getting the body of your dreams?

Consistency is the not very well hidden secret to getting the body of your dreams! Whether it be with your diet or training (neither will get you the body of your dreams alone) you need to be consistent in every aspect of your life. Training needs to be scheduled in with the high importance you’d give to a meeting with a big client at work, whatever happens you need to train at the planned, scheduled time if at all possible. Stick to the program and listen to your trainer, some days you’ll be more enthusiastic than on others and that is absolutely normal, just get your head down and get it done!

Your diet and eating should be planned in advance, ideally negating the need to ever grab something on the go. Plan or pre prepare the meals you’re intending on having at home or have the ingredients in stock and ready to go. Lunches for work should be pre prepared the evening before or as many people do, prepared in large batches on a Sunday evening in quantities to cover the full week. Keep hydrated, make sure there’s a bottle of water to hand wherever you may be sat, in your car, at your desk, next to the sofa etc and get into the habit of taking a drink periodically whatever you’re doing.

And finally, sleep! Again you need consistent, undisturbed sleep. Create the habit of going to bed and getting up at the same time every day and make sure your bedroom is conducive to good sleep. Is the temperature right, not too warm or cold? Is the room dark and will it stop unexpected light getting in? Are you really ready for sleep, not still playing on your phone or scrolling through pages of mindless posts? Getting into the habit of getting a good nights sleep will show much greater benefits and do more towards getting the body of your dreams than you’d ever imagine.

What do you love most about your job?

There’s many things I love about my job, but the main and I imagine obvious one is the huge pride and satisfaction I get from seeing the achievements of my clients. Seeing their confidence soar and watching them achieve things they never thought possible, listening as they tell me how their increased health and fitness has impacted on every aspect of their and their families lives. That’s what really makes it all worthwhile.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I was inspired to start my own business after spending a lot of time training in mainstream gyms and speaking to people in gyms or at sporting events. By listening to their stories I learnt to understand their motivations as well as some of the things which they see as barriers or obstructions to achieving their goals. I then realised that there was an opportunity for someone with a lot of years fitness training experience behind them and who had already faced and overcome most of the hurdles that people were facing, to use that knowledge and experience to help others. It was a bit cliched admittedly but I believed that if I could overcome the obstacles that life throws our way and still train for, complete or compete in the many events I have so far then I could also pass that knowledge onto others.

Why should our clients choose you?

My training and coaching style is very different to many other personal trainers and for that I make no apologies! All personal trainers have to complete the same basic academic training regardless of their fitness history, ability or experience however what makes me different to the majority is my life experience, achievements and success as a participant and competitor in multiple, wildly varying disciplines of fitness competition and training. Of course with over ten years of personal training behind me already I also have a wealth of experience of training people from all walks of life, of all ages and with differing levels of fitness and goals.

Personally I believe that although all personal trainers will have (or should have) completed a recognised PT qualification with a reputable training provider including at least the Level Two Gym Instructor and the Level Three Personal Trainer certifications, clients will always get the most from training with a coach that they feel comfortable with or that they can relate to. The vast majority of personal trainers however are quite young and many go into it straight from school or college, or after working a short time as a gym assistant in one of the big brand gyms. Although they may have the technical know how gained from completing their fitness certifications, they will of course be limited as to the breadth of their knowledge and experience by their age.

For info I first qualified with The Australian Institute of Fitness (now The European Institute of Fitness) in 2007. My course was split between classroom study in the UK and a practical study week/workshop in Javea, Spain.

My clients come to me because they feel comfortable, and as I am a little older (m43) than most other trainers they feel that I can empathise with the difficulties that may come up with embarking on a fitness or training regime, both in terms of the physical demands on the body as well as the inescapable time pressures that come with a modern day family and working life. Clients appreciate my personal fitness and sporting achievements and can therefore see that anything is achievable if you really put your mind to it.

Training with me is a long way from easy and I will push you close to your limit in every session, I believe in always giving 100% and getting the most out of every time we train. Yes it’s hard going but eventually you’ll get used to the aches and pains that’ll creep up on you! Most importantly though you’ll quickly see and feel progress, you’ll notice how every day life and moving around starts getting a little easier day by day, you’ll wake up every morning with increased energy and if your goal is to lose weight you’ll quickly see and feel the difference in the way your clothes fit! People will comment on how healthy, motivated and energized you look.

As your fitness level and ability improves we may introduce different forms and styles of training yet you can always be assured that every set or exercise we do, although sometimes exceedingly difficult or strenuous, will have been planned to a level that is right and most importantly safe for you.

Whatever your goals are relating to your health and fitness, whether it’s simply to get fitter and lose a bit of weight, to train for a specific sporting event maybe race for life, tough mudder or other charity event, then I have the expertise, knowledge and experience to get you there!

Maybe you’re wanting to get into shape and look your best for a special event, a holiday, wedding, or family or school reunion? Whatever your goal I can get you there! All it takes is consistency and dedication....

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