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You The Conqueror profile image

You The Conqueror

‘20 Certificate of Excellence

Sharon at You The Conqueror believes that there is no problem too big that you cannot solve it yourself. Using Neuro Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis and other modalities she can guide you to find the root cause of the problem and assist you to remove it. Sharon can help you to restore balance in emotional or behavioural problems such as excessive anger, anxiety, PTSD, phobias, communication within relationships and career. Communication/understanding yourself. She works with chronic pain management, couples counselling, business/personal and sports coaching. She provides tailored programmes to suit your individual requirements to assist you to become the best possible version of yourself and confidentiality is guaranteed. Sharon has been coaching for a total of 30 years in her businesses, and for the past 8 years she has dedicated her therapy and coaching to individual clients. Services include: one on one counselling/coaching couples counselling mediation business coaching NLP Practitioner Training Coaching Training Short Courses and Workshops

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

A Psychologist friend once said to me "how do you debrief after a big session with a client who has a big problem" I replied "I don't need to debrief, when my client's problem has disappeared we both celebrate!". I love my work, it's not a job, to me it's a vocation. Sometimes I believe in my clients more than they believe in themselves and I love watching that reverse.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I was born believing that we can do anything, so I did as much as I was able. I have started many businesses from scratch and I've taken a few on that were in trouble and built them up too. During these past 30 years I was constantly studying sales and self improvement systems, I learned how to increase resilience in myself and also my staff (whom I trusted and cared for).
It's been quite a ride. I "retired" a couple of times but was always lured back to business with exciting opportunities.
When I discovered I was going to become a grandmother I decided it was time to embrace the new role and shift my focus to others, time to give back and share all my years of experience and knowledge with those who need it, so I became a qualified trainer and counsellor in the modalities I had used and shared with others throughout my career. My knowledge is my legacy.

Why should our clients choose you?

I believe there is an answer for everything and you can get through this. I have helped people overcome everything from physical problems to mental problems, I will reframe your mind from that of Victim to Victor and I won't give up if you won't.
I provide long or short therapy sessions so that you don't have to come back each week and re-live the problem again. I would rather work until we have the whole problem out in the open, discovered the root cause and fixed it. Ongoing sessions can be a benefit for tweaking and growing to assist you to stay on the track towards your new improved life.

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