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Maybe your child wants to learn the drums or you just want to make sure you aren’t being kept awake by next door then soundproofing is the answer. A professional sound proofer will be able to help you achieve the quiet or sound absorbing property you want. Let Bark do the hard work and find you quotes for the top rated sound proofers in your area. Try Bark today for free.



based on 6,645 reviews

I recently had the pleasure of working with Sean from Thermal Construct to insulate and board my attic, and I couldn’t be more impressed with the service. From the start, the experience was excellent. The quote process with Sam was quick and easy, and Sean explained everything clearly. Sean was also incredibly nice, fast, and professional throughout the installation. The quality of his work is outstanding, and my attic is now well-insulated (300mm of Knauf Loft Roll 44) and neatly organised. Sean went above and beyond by also kindly emptying the attic, which was filled with heavy cardboard boxes, files, and books. I highly recommend Sean and Thermal Construct for anyone needing insulation services. Thank you, Sean, for your exceptional service!

10 Jul 2024

The two contractors arrived punctually and were soon underway removing the loose-fill insulation from my loft. I was expecting a lot of mess but was impressed at how clean everything was left. Every scrap of insulation was vacuumed away and all of the waste cleared away. The two contractors were great, very professional, polite & hardworking. I’m glad I chose Thermal Construct, I would recommend them to anyone wanting this service.

02 Jun 2024

Alix was fantastic and real pleasure to deal with despite us changing our mind couple of times in terms of the scope of works. It was not a straightforward job as we wanted to have it done in line plaster and most of our walls in this Victorian basement flat were in a bad shape. The crafmanship was great and Alix finished the job in very efficient manner. Wholeheartedly recommend him as a great plasterer and someone who takes pride in what he does. I will use Alix again when we start doing our hallway and already recommended him to some friends.

12 May 2024

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