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Catherine Faraday Nutrition profile image

Catherine Faraday Nutrition

Catherine is a registered Nutritional therapist helping midlife women transform their health by helping them navigate their own menopausal mayhem. She will give you the tools to help you reach your happy weight, have great skin, and regain your energy and zest for life. Are you fed up with yo-yo dieting and desperate to get off that diet treadmill and lose weight for good, without having to count sins or calories? Do you want to be free of pain, be clear-headed and have the energy to live your best life? You wake up feeling unrefreshed and just a bit blah. You have unexplained aches and pains, and you really don’t like what you see looking back at you in the mirror.   It's common for women’s confidence in midlife to reach an all-time low. They feel anxious and overwhelmed and sleep goes out of the window! If any of the above resonates with you, and you feel you’ll never feel ‘NORMAL’ again, I get it, and you’re not on your own.  I can help. You may feel you don’t have the time to implement another plan into your life which is why I ensure I work at your pace. You will feel nurtured and listened to. The plan will be based on your own needs. We will work collaboratively to avoid any overwhelm, after all you are the person who will be making the changes, so this must be simple, doable, practical, and achievable. There is no quick fix when it comes to your health after all you didn’t get here overnight, and for this reason, I like to get to know you over a course of weeks which allows me to gain a greater understanding of your needs, and explore what works for you, while enhancing the therapeutic relationship between us. I have a degree in Nutrition from the University of West London (Foundation) and diploma in Nutritional Therapy at the World-renowned Institute for Optimum Nutrition. I’m a member of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and registered with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC). Why Nutrition? As a teenager I suffered terribly with symptoms related to hormonal imbalance from severe PMS symptoms including heavy periods, migraine, low back pain and acne, and then adult acne when I was pregnant and then again in perimenopause. After I was given copious amounts of antibiotics for acne when I was pregnant, I suffered with terrible IBS symptoms, then – triggered by all those antibiotics – developed an autoimmune condition. The lowest points in my health and the realisation that the medical model did not have all the answers, led me to study nutrition. Now, a handful of years down the line and fully menopausal, I devote my time to helping other women struggling with midlife health symptoms. Midlife can feel debilitating without the right support, especially when you are also dealing with the everyday trials and tribulations of family life, and taking care of everyone else plus working, you almost forget who the old you, was! Studies have shown how you look after your health through menopause can really impact on your future health and longevity. So, don’t delay, there is no time like the present, take that leap of faith and invest in your future health and well-being. I promise I will be holding your hand every step of the way

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Hear from
a professional

How important is a healthy diet to someone’s health and wellbeing?

I truely believe the right food for the individual is medicine the body, being out in nature is food for the soul, and connection with other human beings nourishes the heart.

“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” - Hippocrates (460-377 BC)

Nutritious food and optimal digestion and absorption are vital for health and well-being, giving the body the right fuel it needs to thrive.

I always compare the food we eat to the fuel you would choose to put in a car, for example: you wouldn't use substandard fuel in a high-performance car and expect it to function optimally.

What do you love most about your job?

I love it when I see a client at the start of their wellness journey and then compare how they look and feel as the weeks pass by, and the difference is quite remarkable.

I feel very privileged to be in a position to be able to help my clients get to the root cause of their ill health, and in so doing I am then able to put together a plan of action to help them them get well.

The same applies to weightloss, as I help clients to discover why they may not be able to lose weight. I'm then able to help them them experience a healthy and sustainable weightloss through diet and lifestyle interventions.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Having suffered myself from my own health issues and then discovering I had a rare autoimmune disease called Sarcoidosis having had some awful symptoms for many years I found there was little support from general practice with regards to nutrition and holistic health. So alone I did my own research and I was able to map a timeline of my health issues to help me discover the root cause of my symptoms and subsequent diagnosis. I have been very lucky to be in a position to have the knowledge to know what to eat when to eat and to know what I need to do when or if I became ill in terms of supplement or dietary and lifestyle support, it may even be a case of just resting.

Armed with this knowledge has meant that I am able to manage my condition without taking medication and for that I am extremely grateful, and I want to share my knowledge to be able to help others.

Why should our clients choose you?

Having suffered from a range of digestive, skin, and menopausal issues myself and having years of unexplained symptoms linked to a rare autoimmune condition. I have first-hand experience of how frustrating this can be.

So I want to share with others how I can help them get well and maintain good health with appropriate lifestyle and nutritional interventions.

I understand the frustrations of my clients when they fail to see results, and in many instances do not even receive a diagnosis with conventional medicine.

I know too well the lack of support for those looking to take a more natural approach to their health, so I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and enthusiasm for realistic, attainable goals.

For my weight loss clients, the frustration of going to the gym or trying to watch what they eat and constantly restricting calories without getting the desired results can be so demoralising.

This is where I am able to educate my clients on how they can lose weight in a sustainable way, without resorting to the misery of starvation and calorie-controlled yo-yo dieting.

As we age, it isn't dieting alone that affects our ability to maintain our weight. There is so much more going on in terms of hormonal changes and potential imbalances; this includes the impact of good quality sleep and how we manage stress that can cause weight gain.

By taking the time to understand and nurture my clients' throughout their wellness journey to understand their needs and treat them as an individual, they can expect to receive an individualised, achievable plan that will fit in with their personal, social, work, and family life commitments, to help them reach their weight loss, health, and wellbeing goals.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

My consultations are all online via zoom or over the phone.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I use zoom or telephone for my consultations so I avoid seeing clients in person and all materials are now downloaded from the clients own portal or app.

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The average rating for Bark Nutritionists & Dietitians in Bristol is 4.95, based on 429 reviews.

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