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Daksha Patel Life Coach  profile image

Daksha Patel Life Coach


‘21 Certificate of Excellence

Hello and welcome to my profile. I’m Daksha and over the last 8 years, I have coached hundred’s of men and women to be their best self and live their most optimum life, through my proven 1:1 personal coaching sessions. With a Post Graduate in Personal and Business Coaching, BSc Psychology and as a licensed NLP practitioner, I am well positioned to coach my clients on career/business, relationships, confidence, reducing stress/anxiety, motivation, happiness/fulfilment and peace/spirituality. I work with my clients to help them achieve their personal and professional goals through open and honest discussions, proven tools and techniques and powerful insights. I am your no-nonsense friend who is always on your side, even when you are not. My only commitment is to your commitment to create the change you want to see happen in your life and so live your fullest life. I am there to champion you every step of the way. The coaching sessions are 1:1 bespoke sessions, lasting 60 minutes. They can be taken via video at a time that is best for you.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I love inspiring people to live the life they truly want and be the person they already know they are. I love seeing my clients change from the inside out, right before my eyes. They are truly courageous and inspiring and every client shows me how capable and magnificent we all are. My work is purposeful and fulfilling. I was recently asked by a friend, when I expected to retire and I said 'I don't think I ever will'. My job doesn't feel like work. It feels like my purpose.

What inspired you to start your own business?

My interest in life coaching originated from my passion for the human mind. How powerful it is in achieving what you want in life, but also how it was the biggest obstacle I faced to having what I wanted. Its’ power was both creative and destructive. This intrigued me.

I have always been interested in human behaviour, but even after completing a degree in Psychology, I never pursued a career in the human sciences. Instead I fell into sales and recruitment and stayed there, for nearly 25 years. Until one day I started to pay attention to my interests, passions and enthusiasm. And for the first time I stopped my thinking mind taking over what I always knew to be true.

I committed myself to all that I love in life. Not just my work but people and interests too. I left my highly paid and long hours job as a recruitment consultant in London and re-trained as a life coach. I was both nervous and excited. I asked myself why I had never pursued this earlier and the bottom line was I didn’t think I was good enough. That was the destructive mind at play and it had been at play for close to 3 decades of my life. Today I work and live from a place of self-love, creation and power and I want to share and help others do just that.

Why should our clients choose you?

• I am easy to talk to.
• I am an exceptionally good listener.
• I have coached people from all walks of life and heard many life
stories. So please know that you are not alone. I will always
make you feel at ease to talk freely.
• I have over 7 years of coaching experience.
• I am highly qualified.
• I am flexible and will always do my best to accommodate your
sessions to suit you. I also work Saturdays.
I also believe that what my clients say about me as a coach, the value and insights they gain and how they change their lives, is testimony to why clients choose to work with me. So here are a few:

"The mind is an incredibly powerful tool, most people will never know how so. Daksha can help you realise it but most importantly, she helps you use it to achieve some truly incredible things". - Alex

"Daksha has the skills, energy and enthusiasm to provide the necessary boost for change. She gets to know the individual, their personality, passions and what would make them happy". - Michael

“I cannot recommend Daksha’s services enough. I am really impressed by the results I've achieved, in such as short timeframe. I feel positively different and full of energy to progress towards the next steps of my life”. – Thierry

"Daksha's support, guidance and insights have been invaluable for me". - Miguel

“Daksha is really good at what she does. I've gained so much from our sessions, that I've even recommended her to my friends and family". - Sola

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

I provide life coaching sessions remotely either via Zoom, FaceTime, Skype, Microsoft Teams or phone call.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

During the pandemic I will not be offering in person sessions.

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based on 251 reviews

The average rating for Bark Life Coaches in Islington is 4.96, based on 251 reviews.

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