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Peter Gatley Coaching profile image

Peter Gatley Coaching

I offer Relationship Coaching to those suffering from a marriage or relationship breakdown. The course is called Conscious Uncoupling, created by Katherine Woodward Thomas. The course is designed to transform 'Breakdown' into 'Breakthrough', ensuring you lead a Happy EVEN After life. I am the only certified male Conscious Uncoupling Coach in the UK. I also offer another course created by Katherine called 'Calling in "The One". This course is designed to put you in the right place to attract the love of your life. In addition, I also offer a course for couples who want to deepen their relationship and prevent avoidable crisis in their relationship.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I love the many 'Aha' moments with a client, the moment they can see and feel the penny drop.
Also seeing them leave completely transformed from the person they were when they arrived.

What inspired you to start your own business?

A lot of experience of not doing things the best way, led me to an enquiry of why I was doing that. A lot of studying and a number of courses (some useful, some excellent) gave me the answer. It makes sense to me to save people years of floundering and/or pain and unhappiness with the courses I offer.
Especially when they look very cheap next to the cost of the alternative.

Why should our clients choose you?

Firstly, I'm one of only half a dozen or so certified 'Conscious Uncoupling' coaches in the country, and the only male. Conscious Uncoupling is designed to save lives, in that, in or after the worst period of your life (relationship breakdown / divorce) it hands your life back to you. Not so that you can function, but thrive. I also offer two more courses, 'Calling in "The One" ' which puts you in the right place to attract attractiveness, and a unique course on how to secure a relationship. I'm excited and passionate about all three. Everyone leaves after six, eight or ten sessions transformed.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

My sessions are mainly conducted on zoom. In fact (and perhaps unlike therapy) zoom is perfect for coaching. I would have an initial free zoom meet for about 20/30 mins to get a picture of your situation. It's important to me to know I can help you, and answer any questions you might have. That said, if you're in travelling distance of West London I am more than happy to conduct the sessions in person if you prefer.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

As my sessions are mainly conducted on zoom this isn't applicable. For anyone who prefers to meet in person, I will uphold distance guidelines and as I am classed in a 'vulnerable group' I am always fully vaccinated.

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