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Lisa Yelland profile image

Lisa Yelland

Lisa is a top achiever in her corporate sales role and has been recognised several times as number 1 in Europe during her 20 year career. Despite her achievements and success, she suffered deeply with imposter syndrome and crippling public speaking nerves to the point at which it became unbearable. This manifested in so many ways: high performing anxiety, lack of sleep, loss of motivation, mood swings, weight issues and panic attacks to name a few! These episodes prompted her to seek professional help and through a combination of different therapies and personal development, broke the cycle and shook off imposter syndrome. She went on to achieve career highlights and create the life of her dreams which included training as a hypnotherapist and psychotherapist. She now specialises in confidence transformation for women. Her unique and bespoke approach to her clients enables the women she works with to benefit from a plethora of resources including: hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, CBT, NLP, coaching, mentoring, presenting and personal styling, fully understanding that confidence issues can manifest in so many different ways. That underneath the high performing and often over-achieving surface is a feeling of 'I'm not good enough, I've just been lucky or I'm a fraud'. She is driven to empower 10,000 women to transform their confidence so they too can go on to lose the weight, go for that promotion, be fearless when presenting, to create more of what is desired in their life. Lisa is a regular contributor to a women's magazine, a guest expert on a women's radio show and podcasts where she frequently advises on helping women to reclaim their confidence, shake off imposter syndrome and step into their true potential. Lisa has two gorgeous daughters and is a closet history buff.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Knowing that my clients will go through a fabulous transformation and the wonderful ripple effect that has over so many other aspects of their lives for weeks, months and years to come.

What inspired you to start your own business?

A need to overcome my own imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs that manifested in a paralysing fear of public speaking. The tools and skills I developed during my own personal journey inspired me to reach out and use them to help other women. This is my passion and purpose.

Why should our clients choose you?

Because I have been where you are now. I know how it feels and how debilitating anxiety, depression and anger are. These emotional states all stem from not feeling good enough on some level and I feel incredibly fortunate to have the skills and knowledge to empower other women to make the transformation I have been through.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes, in fact throughout the last 18 months my client sessions and courses have been conducted entirely over zoom which has worked really well.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

Sessions via zoom have enabled me to keep customers safe as well as being able to offer more flexibility for session availability.

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based on 14 reviews

The average rating for Bark Therapists in Long Ashton is 5.00, based on 14 reviews.

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