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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Cardiff-based Therapists, we can help.

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alittlebitofsass profile image


alittlebitofsass was set up following my own experience with holistic therapy. I had suffered for years with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, depression and anxiety. I want others to feel the emotional release and freedom I have experienced. I want you to be content in yourself, to embrace yourself and have the life you deserve with no limiting beliefs. I have experienced first hand the profound effects of mental health conditions on not only the sufferer but their family too. alittlebitofsass aim is to empower you to reclaim control over your well being and offer emotional release. I am committed to fostering positive transformations and facilitating a journey towards enhanced mental and emotional wellness.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Knowing that the techniques i have learnt can transform a persons life and seeing that change unfold before me

What inspired you to start your own business?

While I grew up I was constantly told by teachers, so called friends and even strangers that I wasn’t good enough. Every time a negative comment was hurled my way another layer of self-doubt was added. This constant feed of negativity impacted on my life and career choices and although I have had a good career, have 3 wonderful children and a loving husband career I was left with the feeling that something was always missing.
As a family we have lived through trauma hardly keeping afloat at times. My daughter was diagnosed with an eating disorder in 2005 which led to self-harm and suicide attempts. I felt I couldn’t go on my anxiety and depression escalated and my health took a nose dive. I was so weak and sad but I kept putting a brave face on and just kept going and going.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worse my health took a literal nose dive when I fell down a 30 foot waterfall sustaining major injuries. Following this accident I developed fibromyalgia and suffered with chronic pain. I was now not only incredibly depressed but despondent and reliant on pain killers to get me through each day. I felt my life was over, I felt trapped and deeply unhappy.
It was at this point, my lowest point, that I decided I needed to change my narrative. I tried counselling, CBT and Talking Therapies but nothing really helped.
In 2022 I was introduced to EFT and to be honest I was sceptical but at this point I was desperate enough to try anything. I needed to change, I wanted to change.
The first session was relaxed we just talked and I began to realise I had been holding onto so many unhealthy emotions. That first session made me hopeful and so I booked a second but to be honest with you I was still struggling to let go and it was only after my fourth session that I decided to totally commit to the EFT process.
What a life changer that became, I began to process my emotions and understand them. My thought patterns were challenged and I began to realise how unhelpful they were.
Each session released me from feelings I had been holding onto some of which I hadn’t been aware of until I went through this process. My thought patterns began to change, I became lighter, more positive, happier and more confident. I was taking control of my life back. I regained my zest for life and the sass in my personality that had fizzled away. I was me again. I no longer felt trapped.
The impact has been so incredible on me personally that it made me decide to become an EFT practitioner.
So why am I doing this —I want you to feel the emotional release and freedom I have experienced. I want you to be content in yourself, to embrace yourself and have the life you deserve with no limiting beliefs

Why should our clients choose you?

Because I know what it's like to feel overwhelmed, out of control, depressed, emotionally empty and I want to help people change this narrative to become the best versions of themselves and have the life they deserve.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

I can meet both in person within the Cardiff, Wales area and on line via zoom

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

By offering my holistic therapy on line as well as in person. I leave the choice to the client to ensure they are happy and relaxed at all times

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