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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Mansfield-based Therapists, we can help.

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The Crisis Clinic profile image

The Crisis Clinic


The Crisis Clinic provides help for people across a broad range of psychological difficulties including depression, anxiety, stress, and trauma (PTSD). We are proud to have effectively supported people from many different walks of life, and at the heart of our service are a number of core values which guide our work and enable our clients to receive the best care possible, regardless of their characteristics, background or social status. We believe that our clients are all unique, as are their experiences. Located in Ransom Wood, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, the Crisis Clinic is a peaceful and discreet option for those who feel that privacy is of importance to them.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Our vision is to alleviate human suffering from poor psychological well-being.
For all of our facilitators, the moment an individual is released from their trauma, anxiety, or stress, is the most wonderful part of our work.
The moment when tears turn to smiles...

What inspired you to start your own business?

Our team of facilitators are mostly specially trained serving or former emergency service and military personnel.
We all have a deep desire to help people.
It's in our blood.

Why should our clients choose you?

Our person-centred commitments to you are:

Not to evaluate, judge, criticise, disparage or invalidate you, or your values, feelings, reactions, assumptions, conclusions or thoughts
Take responsibility for your recovery without dominating you
Not to interpret for you, nor advise you
Not to label, nor attempt to diagnose you with any illness or condition
To be interested in you and your needs at all times
To always try understand you, and always support you
To Maintain a firm and primary intention to help you
Other reasons why the Crisis Clinic is different:

We do not believe in limiting session times, as this can prevent resolution and encourage dependency on regular interventions as a ‘coping’ strategy.

If you book an appointment at the Crisis Clinic, it will only end when you are in a better place and happy to end the session yourself.

We will not give you ‘homework’.

We do not teach coping mechanisms – if you’re issues are resolved, there should be nothing to ‘cope’ with – surely?

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based on 91 reviews

The average rating for Bark Therapists in Mansfield is 4.99, based on 91 reviews.

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