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Finding the Joy Coaching and Holistic Therapy profile image

Finding the Joy Coaching and Holistic Therapy

‘20 Certificate of Excellence

If you are struggling with any of the following, I'd like to help: * Confidence * Anxiety * Stress I hold a safe space to give you the tools and support you need to find the confidence to be yourself so that you can live a happy, healthy life. I offer a non judgemental space working in person (in Hitchin, Herts), by phone or online. **FOR A FREE CONSULTATION GO TO MY WEBSITE** My aim is always to empower you, working respectfully and co-operatively to create a way forward, able to accept yourself fully, feel confident in your own skin and find the joy and purpose that you seek in your life. I work holistically which means with the whole person (joining the mind and body, as if you don't you will not be able to move forward and no approach will work for you in the long-term). I create a plan to give you clarity on how you can move forward to create what you want and work with whatever is holding you back, keeping you stuck or causing you pain. My role is to firstly listen and find out where you are and what you need so I can be of best assistance, and to know if I can help you. Secondly I offer my suggestions as to the best options that I think will suit you personally as everyone is different and I work very much with you as I don't think one size fits all. When you work with me, you get all of my skills and experience included to help you move forward into a better place. I believe that we are always learning and growing and it's an incredible privilege to hold the space to guide and support you in your journey to be your best self. The tools I use include Life-coaching, Stress Management, EFT, Parts / Shadow Work, Meditation, Mindfulness, Women's Cycle Work, Reiki, Conscious Creation, Visualisation, Visionboards, Posture Work, Breathwork/Embodiment, Relaxation, Women's Circle Work, Relationship Dynamics, Voice Dialogue, Trauma-informed. I also run a Reiki / Spiritual School offering healing and teaching at all levels as well as Create Your Vision visionboard workshop both online and in-person in Hertfordshire.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I love holding the space for and empowering my clients, giving them the tools they need to change their lives. We get so used to our limiting behaviours, we don't realise that things can be different.
When people start to feel the difference and make those changes, and I see them feeling happier, healthier, more confident and reaching their goals (often creating totally different goals with their new found confidence and sense of personal power), that's the most rewarding part for me.
It's such a privilege to see within another person, to see the parts most other people never get to see. There is nothing more precious to me.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I wanted to create a way that I could share what I had learnt in my journey and give others the support and space that I had needed and couldn't find. I am fiercely passionate about our right to love and acceptance. Most illness and pain come from lack of self-worth so I want to show people to know how magnificent and powerful they really are and give them the tools and beliefs to create what they want and to have a life of joy, confidence and purpose.

Why should our clients choose you?

There are a few reasons my clients say they are glad they chose me:

1. I'm not like normal, traditional therapist, coach or counsellor who just works with a single approach or tool. I know we all have different ways of learning and so I have a wide variety of tools to choose from so I can find what works best for you. This is why so many of my clients have been to other therapists previously and given up as that approach hasn't worked so they then sadly think therapy/coaching doesn't work.

2. I have a very empowering approach, I want to give you the tools to help yourself so you can get on with living your best life, not be seeing me forever! Right from the start I will give you the tools, techniques and tips to help you grow and change so that when you aren't with me, you can still help yourself. Many therapists don't teach you how to do it yourself so you have to keep going back and never feel empowered.

3. I don't just sit and listen to you talk; I do listen and it's important that you are heard and witnessed in a safe space but as a holistic coach and therapist I will work interactively with powerful tools that engage body, mind and spirit. Most therapists/coach just work with the mind and clients sit and talk about their problem but aren't helped to get out of that place. This doesn't work and I will show you why.

4. In our first session I will give you the clarity that has been missing for you and let you know what is really going on for you and causing the problem, and, tell you how to move forward so you have a clear plan that works for you. Not a one fits all solution, but the way that will work for you so you have the confidence and support you need in the process.

5. It's really important to me that you feel safe enough to express yourself. Sessions with me involve laughter, swearing, sometimes tears, as it's essential you have a place where you can get in touch with your emotions safely like anger, guilt, shame and sadness as well as joy and freedom. Sessions are interactive and often fun. I'm not stuffy and formal as I want you to feel safe to be yourself and that may be something you have never been able to do before.

6. I will show you that you have the right to be loved, to be who you really are and will show you how to do that in your own life so you feel safe and confident. I want you to be able to be the person you hide away out of fear that you won't be accepted. It's so important you have somewhere safe to do that and be witnessed so you can start that journey to accepting yourself fully.

7. I have many years experience of helping clients to do this work and I do the work myself so I know what it is like, how rewarding and challenging it is. The tools I have work and I am passionate about them because I see them working and changing the lives of my clients every day. However, the most important thing is that I believe in you because when you start this work you need someone who believes in you and will support you while you are working through your issues and give you the space and support to create the confidence, strength and belief in yourself.

8. Unlike a lot of therapists/coaches I work with both approaches; I look at the past and what keeps you stuck and I also help you get clear on what you want to create in the future for yourself. You need both, a lot of therapy is focused on the past and doesn't lift you from those old patterns so you stay stuck and often a coach is focused on your future but doesn't look at the beliefs and experiences that have brought you to where you are now. My unique approach gives you both.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes I use Zoom which is stable and secure. I can also offer by phone which some clients prefer.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I have moved my work online or phone where possible.

I do offer in-person sessions for those that are able to visit my clinic space in Hitchin, Hertfordshire where masks are worn, cleaning takes place in between every client, windows can be opened and social distancing can be maintained between me and my clients throughout the session.

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