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Find a Nutritionist or Dietitian in New South Wales

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Looking for a Nutritionist or Dietitian in New South Wales?

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The average price of Nutritionists & Dietitians in New South Wales is $120 per session

Nourishing Nosh profile image

Nourishing Nosh

I am an Accredited Practising Nutritionist whose privilege it is to help people heal their relationships with food and their bodies. I have a 20-year professional background in the health sector focusing on individual and public health. My mission is to inspire and empower, all who eat, through evidence-based nutrition education and my love of sourcing, cooking, and eating delicious food to improve healthy eating habits and quash nutrition myths by exposing faddy food trends. Strategies I use include scientific Nutrition education and teaching Intuitive eating skills. I have engaged in further studies in Disordered Eating and Eating Disorders and Substance Use Disorders. I will help you to understand what to eat and when to eat it to meet your health and nutrition goals. I have extensive experience in Training and Event management including teaching cooking classes and lifestyle habits to children and adults to improve their quality of life and interest in healthy food.

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Hear from
a professional

How important is a healthy diet to someone’s health and wellbeing?

Whilst the science of Nutrition is young and many aspects of diet and health are still emerging, there is enough scientific and epidimeological evidence to strongly encourage a healthy diet and lifestyle to improve longevity, mood, vitality, wellbeing and quality of life.

Perhaps just as important as what you eat, is your relationship with the food you eat. I help my clients to understand that there are no good and bad foods. Yes some are more nutrient dense than others but it is much better for your mental health not to label foods and to enjoy your favourite foods occasionally even if they are not green and fibre rich!

We know that there are foods that harm and that there are foods that heal. Vegetables and fruits are full of fibre which is important for gut health and phyto-nutrients anti-oxidants, that help with detoxification pathways and protect us from inflammatory conditions such as cancer.

We know that omega 3 fatty acids, iron and iodine are essential for brain development and health so as a Nutritionist, if I think your diet is lacking, I will help you add these healthful nutrients in.

We know that eating an unbalanced diet eg too little protein or fat and too much carbohydrate can disrupt your blood glucose levels, messing with hunger and satiety queues, energy levels and all sorts of flow on hormonal effects.

What do you love most about your job?

I love most aspects of my job (not really the admin!) This is my second career so I came to it, knowing it was my passion.

I love everything about food, growing it, sourcing it, cooking it, talking about it and of course my favourite, eating it! I have run cooking classes for 10 years and love watching people falling in love with cooking and handling ingredients. Cooking can be a very meditative and creative outlet.

I also love being of service to people and helping them realise their health goals. There is a lot of confusion in teh world about what to eat and when to eat it and there are a lot of unqualified people adding to this confusion. I like to help people to navigate through the fads and myths and find what works for them an their individual body and lifestyle.

I love sharing peoples "aha" moments, when a small nutritional tweak leads to health change.
I love it when people make peace with their plates and bodies.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I am quite a creative person so starting my own business was an extension of my creativity.
I started my own business when my daughters were young so I could concentrate on family and have flexibility in my life.
I wanted to run workshops and seminars in schools and when I started, there were not many people doing this type of work.

Why should our clients choose you?

Choose me because I have your best interests in mind.
I am a qualified Nutritionist with 7 years one on one nutrition counselling and 20 years in the private and public health sector.
I walk the talk and practise what I preach but I am not perfect. I am empathetic and understanding and will not be judgemental.
I have a very good understanding of food and nutrition and will work with you and empower you to achieve your health goals.
I have credetnials in Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating and in Addiction treatment.
My only agenda is to help you reach your goals.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

I am happy to see clients face to face or over zoom.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I have COVID safe work practises in place.
My clinic is thoroughly cleaned between patients.

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