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Looking for a Therapist in Cumbria?

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First time looking for a Therapist and not sure where to start? Let us do the legwork for you. Tell us about your project and we’ll send you a list of the top Therapists in Cumbria to review. Whether you’re looking for quotes or you want to speak to some local professionals, we’ll connect you with the best Therapists for the job. 

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The average price of Therapists in Cumbria is £50 per session

A life Without Anxiety profile image

A life Without Anxiety

I am now offering our exclusive Memory Re-Solution® technique to deliver Total Emotional Freedom to our clients. Contact paul @ proactivenlp.com to find out more about achieving Total Emotional Freedom. If you make direct contact via the above email address you will receive the cost of me making contact with you off your first session as well as a free intial consultation. Be quick though, we're seeing lots of clients currently, all of whom are moving quickly towards Total Emotional Freedom and a life without anxiety. You can join this happy group but only if you get in touch! You can find out more about how you can live a life without Anxiety by joining our monthly Q&A sessions by going to our events listing on our website. There is also a 3 hour workshop where you will learn some techniques. We've found that when clients attend these sessions they make better and quicker progress. You can find the links to the workshops here: https://alifewithoutanxiety.com/upcoming-events/ You can also see our latest online events by copying and pasting this link into your internet browser: https://proactive-nlp-ltd.cademy.co.uk/becoming-anxiety-free-with-nlp If you go this link and reserve a place on our next online workshop you will receive a free 1 hour consultation with myself. This is better for you and also for myself...so its a win/win. ** PLEASE NOTE** If you specify that you want to work with a Female therapist I will not get back to you. I'm Male. Contacting enquiries from this platform is expensive and rarely ever results in new clients, I choose very carefully the enquiries I follow up. If you do not add additional details you will not get a contact from me. My contact details are available, I prefer direct contact through either Facebook or Website. Due to the fact that I am now almost entirely booked up with Anxiety / Depression & Stress clients I will not be helping with Smoking Cessation, please don't request any contact from me if you wish to stop smoking. My diary is now taking bookings 6-8 weeks in advance, my rates are non-negotiable. I will be publishing a Book and a Journal on how to Live a Life Without Anxiety this year. This will also show why traditional therapy & counselling approaches will never stop Anxiety. You can have a life without anxiety and it is not that difficult to achieve, if that is what you truly want. Do you want a life without anxiety? Do you want to enjoy the freedom that results from a life without anxiety? Are you prepared to put the work in to achieve a life without anxiety? Anxiety can take many forms and the impact anxiety has on each individual is different. Our approach to helping people live a life without anxiety is based on 20 years experience of both experiencing extreme anxiety and in depth learning and practice in resolving anxiety. We've seen both sides of anxiety. We know what you're experiencing, we've been there. Below are some simple truths about how to achieve a life without anxiety: If you commit 100% you will achieve a life without anxiety - FACT! Your unconscious mind is driving your anxiety. Hypnosis communicates directly with your unconscious mind. Hypnosis works - FACT! If you truly want a life without anxiety, all your negative emotions and limiting beliefs need to be resolved. Negative emotions (Anger, Sadness, Fear, Guilt / Shame) drive anxiety - FACT! Each individual experiences anxiety different, therefore our process adapts to each client, There is not a straight-line to a life without anxiety. You are not born anxious - you have learnt how to be anxious. You can learn to live a life without anxiety, you know you can. Living a life without anxiety means choosing to be consent, fulfilled and proactive. You can live the life you want to live. Our prime goal is to assist you free yourself from the shackles of anxiety. Our processes are forged in our experience and world class training. As Clinical Hypnotherapists and Accredited Trainers of NLP we are highly skilled in this work. Not only can we help you achieve a life without anxiety we can also train you in the techniques that can deliver the content and happy life you desire. Get in touch today directly by emailing us directly (see email on our profile) or just use support at alifewithoutanxiety dot com and receive a 10% discount on your first session. This is a bonus to you, as if we contact you from Bark.com it will cost us.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Making a positive difference as quickly as possible. I see lots of clients that have had experience of this type of service in the past and they say there was no difference, no impact. I pride myself on getting to the heart of the issue quickly and then focus on actions that will make a difference. Seeing clients move on and make new choices is the best feeling.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Seeing the impact of an ineffective boss who would not listen. Started my own business and after receiving expert coaching followed this up with many years of excellent personal and professional development.

Why should our clients choose you?

If you want to make new and proactive choices to lead the life you want then choose me. I pride myself on my ability to listen empathetically and help you identify where change is required. I have a wide and powerful toolkit that can cope with just about every scenario you can imagine. I've been active in the therapy and coaching arena for 18 years now and have achieved the highest level of accreditations possible. I know I can make a difference.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

All our services are accessible on online using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, FaceTime etc. We can also offer telephone based services. As we move out of lockdown restrictions more and more we will move back to face to face services.

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