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Renata Kuhns Coaching profile image

Renata Kuhns Coaching

Hello there! My name is Renata Kuhns, I’m a Life Optimization Coach who specializes in helping women improve their self-esteem, cultivate better relationships, and experience more fun and adventure in their life! A couple of years ago I hit my rock bottom. I was working in a career field that filled me with anxiety, stress, and imposter syndrome. My marriage was on the brink of divorce. I had to sell my house to keep up the unhealthy habits with money that I was using to fill the void within myself. I broke down that day and said enough is enough. For the next year I took full responsibility for myself and started to understand that my whole life was being run on autopilot and I didn’t even realize it. I hired a coach, started meditating, read copious amounts of books. I reprogrammed myself to take back control of my life. Now my mission is to help others do the same. The first thing you should know about working with me is that I’m not someone with all the answers who is going to give you the magic pill that allows you to have the life you want. YOU are the magic pill. YOU have all the answers. When you work with me, we go on a journey of uncovering those answers. We will identify and evolve the limiting beliefs, thought patterns, programs, and conditions that you might not even be aware of but that are holding you back from having the life you can only now dream of. Together we will identify what you want in your life that you don't have now, and discover why it is that you don't have it in your life now. Then we create a bridge between the two based on what we found. We do that over and over for the various aspects in your life that are out of alignment until we've cleaned out all the weeds in your garden. Then you can continue planting new and wonderful seeds in a healthy environment, which is of course, the new you!

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

The joy I get from being a firsthand witness to my client's breakthroughs.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Going through my own struggles in life hitting rock bottom, and then finding a way to work my way out of it, inspired me to want to help others do the same.

Why should our clients choose you?

I don't offer results, and I don't need to. I'm here to partner with you - I will ask the hard questions, challenge you, and encourage you to explore yourself, but I can not make you do this. Your willingness to partner with me means that you are ready to put in the work to evolve and grow beyond the level of thinking that has kept you playing small in your life. This is a very personal type of business relationship that requires trust, honesty and openness. I am here to guide, facilitate, challenge, and awaken you to a new level of yourself, but at the end of the day, you will get out of it what you put in!

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes, in fact right now remote services are all that I offer. My primary platform for this is Zoom.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I operate strictly remotely at this time!

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The average rating for Bark Life Coaches in Charlotte is 4.87, based on 609 reviews.

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