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Looking for a Nutritionist or Dietitian in Gloucestershire?

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First time looking for a Nutritionist or Dietitian and not sure where to start? Let us do the legwork for you. Tell us about your project and we’ll send you a list of the top Nutritionists & Dietitians in Gloucestershire to review. Whether you’re looking for quotes or you want to speak to some local professionals, we’ll connect you with the best Nutritionists & Dietitians for the job. 

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The average price of Nutritionists & Dietitians in Gloucestershire is £125

Weight Loss for Health profile image

Weight Loss for Health

⭐ MIDLIFE LADIES! Lose 1 - 2lbs every week in a healthy and sustainable way (No pills, deprivation or calorie counting) ⭐ Award-winning Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach and BWRT Therapist. ⭐ Find out more copy and paste www.nourishedthriving.com into your browser Hello - I'm Anna Brooker, (www.nourishedthriving.com) I am an award winning, Certified Health and Lifestyle Coach, Nutritionist and BWRT Therapist. (BWRT is a very effective therapy that I often use to help my clients with anxiety, phobias, cravings, eating disorders and strong emotional responses). I have a holistic, body, mind and spirit approach focusing on Nutrition, Stress Management, Sleep and Movement. I work exclusively with midlife women who want to: ✅ Be free of excess weight (particularly abdominal, visceral fat). Most clients consistently lose 1lb – 2lb in a healthy, sustainable way each week. ✅ Be free of insatiable hunger, cravings and/or persistent thoughts about food. ✅ Feel healthy, vibrant, comfortable and confident. ✅ Alleviate menopause symptoms such as brain fog and hot flushes naturally. ✅ Stop feeling bloated and/or suffering from uncomfortable digestive issues. ✅ Reduce elevated health markers such as cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. ✅ Improve energy levels In the early summer of 2023, I was recognised by the UK Enterprise Awards as the UK’s Most Supportive Health and Lifestyle coach. My step-by-step method solves the biggest problems that I see keep midlife women trapped in a body that they feel uncomfortable, unhappy (and often unwell) in. What I Offer: I offer an initial strategy and planning session (with blood testing) in which we take the first step to solving your challenges together and then (if you want to carry on working with me) ongoing support, guidance and accountability to ensure that you reach your goals. Find out more at ? www.nourishedthriving.com ? Next Steps: I would like to speak with you (without judgment) for about 10 or 15 mins. This is purely to assess if I’m a good fit to help you. This is a free call, and there is no obligation to commit to any further action. My clients have included nurses, fitness instructors, teachers, politicians, psychologists and many retired women looking to be their best healthy selves for their families and/or fulfil their life purpose. You can read some of their testimonials below. Copy and paste the link ➡️ www.nourishedthriving.com ⬅️ to contact me via my website or message me on Bark.com

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I love that my clients get far more than what they though they would! Helping clients to make changes that have a hugely profound effect on their enjoyment of life is my absolute passion.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I left a corporate job because I felt I lacked a real sense of purpose. So much has changed over the last 10 years due to research in the links between our emotional health, physical health, gut health and nutrition. I retrained as a health coach to help people better understand and adopt often small tweaks to their diet and lifestyle that can often have a profound effect on their enjoyment and expectancy of life.

Why should our clients choose you?

As a certified Health Coach, the clients who choose me usually are trying to lose weight alongside managing a health condition or need to lose weight for medical reasons. Helping clients with their confidence, diet and stress level is extremely important in this situation, as is communicating with the clients GP. Many personal trainers and/or nutritionists are not qualified, insured or experienced to work in this way.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes - this is the only way I work. I normally use Zoom or Google Meet but can provided coaching services over the telephone if that is preferred.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

All my services are delivered online or over the phone so this is not applicable to me.

How important is a healthy diet to someone’s health and wellbeing?

I believe that finding and eating the right diet FOR YOU is really important. We are all different, and what is healthy for one person may be entirely wrong for another. There are so many conflicting dietary theories out there, but the most recent evidence points towards the importance of eating a balanced plate of real food and avoiding overly processed foods. Whatever my clients' dietary preferences, I'm skilled at supporting and enabling them to discover the right foods for them.

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