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First time looking for a Hypnotherapist and not sure where to start? Tell us about your project and we’ll send you a list of Hypnotherapists to review. There’s no pressure to hire, so you can compare profiles, read previous reviews and ask for more information before you make your decision. 

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Hypnotherapy is an extremely versatile tool that can help you to overcome many difficult issues you might be currently facing such as addiction, weight loss, overcoming pain and a whole host of other uses, it has even been used to help ease IBS.

By using Bark to find a hypnotherapist you can compare different specialists who cover a whole range of different hypnotherapy treatments. Bark allows you to see their previous customer reviews and getting a quote for their hypnotherapy services before committing, making sure you find the right professional for you.

  • Quitting Smoking with Hypnotherapy – By working with a hypnotherapist to help you quit smoking you can overcome lifelong addictions in a matter of weeks. Hypnotherapy works on the brain’s subconscious subtly reinforcing your goal of quitting smoking. For addiction to smoking and alcohol hypnotherapy is often the prefer tools as it is an all-natural tool.
  • Weight Loss Using a Hypnotherapist – Using Bark to find the right hypnotherapist will allow you to harness their knowledge and experience to achieve your goal. Positive reinforcement of your goal will help you work towards a new you.
  • Overcoming Phobias with Hypnotherapy – It’s not uncommon for hypnotherapists to be able to help you overcome lifelong phobias in just a matter of hours.
  • Beating Stress and Anxiety with Hypnosis – In this busy modern world stress levels are always rising but with the aid of hypnotherapy, you can ease yourself out of this stressful routine. A large number of people use the technique periodically simply to help them relax. Anxiety is often combated with the use of hypnotherapy because of it's relaxing and unobtrusive methods combined with the fact it is an all-natural method of treatment.
  • The Many Other Uses of Hypnotherapy – Hypnosis has been used for 100’s of years and its uses range far further than the few issues we’ve mentioned above. It's free and fast to put out a request on Bark if you think hypnotherapy can help you then put out a Bark today.
Kellow Hypnotherapy profile image

Kellow Hypnotherapy

For the quickest response, you can contact me directly through my website kellowhypnotherapy.com. Richard is a certified clinical hypnotherapist and Virtual Gastric Band Practitioner that lives and works in Rotorua. Richard is an embodiment and testament to the power of hypnosis, as he discovered through personal experience following his time in London where he saw a Hypnotherapist to help with weight loss and also the stress that comes with working in the financial markets in the Big City. After seeing the amazing power of the mind, he decided to retrain as a Hypnotherapist. Having been trained by some of the best hypnotherapists from the UK, the US and New Zealand, Richard was inspired to start his private practice to help as many people as possible through an all-natural and non-invasive process. Specialising in Weight Loss through hypnosis to eliminate self-sabotaging behaviours and cut emotional ties with food. Proudly featured in the National and International media from the NZ Herald & Stuff to the BBC, appointments can be carried out in clinic in Auckland or Via Zoom Download a copy of free copy of my book No More Diets along with a Stop Snacking Hypnosis track for free on my website

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

The variety of the day, the people I meet and seeing the change that can be brought about in a relatively short space of time.

What inspired you to start your own business?

The whole reason I became interested in hypnotherapy was thanks to my own positive experience with weight loss hypnosis. While working in the stock market in London, I became about 25kg overweight. On top of this I felt stressed, unfit and completely burnt out.

Out of curiosity and sheer desperation I finally wound up in a hypnotherapist's office. In a very short space of time, I noticed some very impressive changes. Not only did I start to shed the weight effortlessly, but I also began using hypnosis to unlock my potential and improve all sorts of other areas in my life. I was motivated to exercise, began feeling less stressed and even stopped smoking - it was fantastic!

Hypnosis gave me a lot of clarity and changed the entire trajectory of my life. I moved to New Zealand almost a decade ago and it wasn't long after arriving that I decided to change my career. After dedicating countless hours to studying and practicing hypnotherapy, I am delighted to be able to offer people a way to experience positive change in their own lives.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Sessions can be conducted via Zoom. Appointments are Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

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based on 724 reviews

Adair was so helpful and amazing to have alongside my wellbeing journey. I've had my inner struggles for many years and have done various mental health/wellbeing options including other therapy and I found therapy style so helpful. I highly recommend!

12 Jun 2024

I completed the initial section but then had to make a profile so closed it. Within 10 mins a therapist called me and now I have an appointment booked. Stoked!

19 May 2024

Ellie has profoundly influenced my journey toward self-discovery and inner peace. Her Havening techniques made a transformative impact on my wellbeing. From our very first session, it was evident that Ellie genuinely cares about her clients. Her warmth and compassion create a safe space to foster a sense of trust and openness. One of the most remarkable aspects of my journey with Ellie was her ability to help me break the mind-body reaction to stressful situations. Through her guidance and support with Havening, I gained invaluable insights into the intricate connection between my thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations. Armed with this newfound awareness, I have learned to navigate challenging circumstances with grace and resilience. Also, my anxiety and feelings of self-doubt ceased to hold power over me. Through Havening and empowering strategies, Ellie has equipped me with the tools necessary to dismantle negative thought patterns and cultivate a deep sense of self-confidence and self-worth. In summary, I cannot recommend Ellie highly enough. Her dedication to her clients' wellbeing, coupled with her profound empathy and expertise, make her a truly exceptional coach. Thanks to Ellie’s guidance, I have emerged from our sessions stronger, more resilient, and infinitely more at peace with myself.

10 Apr 2024

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