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When you or a loved one is in need of help, knowing which psychotherapist to engage with can be an incredibly hard thing to do. Bark works hard to make it easier - just tell us why you're looking for psychotherapy and what you hope to achieve, and we'll find and contact all of the suitable specialists in your area, completely free. Interested psychotherapists will reply back to you through Bark with a personal message, explaining what they and offer and how they can help you, and you just need to choose who to talk to. It's that simple.



based on 465 reviews

Adair was so helpful and amazing to have alongside my wellbeing journey. I've had my inner struggles for many years and have done various mental health/wellbeing options including other therapy and I found therapy style so helpful. I highly recommend!

12 Jun 2024

I completed the initial section but then had to make a profile so closed it. Within 10 mins a therapist called me and now I have an appointment booked. Stoked!

19 May 2024

I knew from the moment you came into our lives that a change for the good was about to occur. Change can be tough, and breaking with generational patterns even harder, but your patience, empathy and transformational practice are The Best thing that has happened to me and my family. My kids have a mum and dad who are happier, because they are free from long standing patterns of thinking that we could not surmount without your care and guidance. Sure, some can muscle their way through stuff in the it lives, but our change was complete because of your help - you truly got us back on track, and for that we thank you, Adair, from the bottom of our very happy hearts.

10 Apr 2024

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