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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some New York City-based Dog Trainers, we can help.

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Mari Fetzer - the MARIDOG METHOD Behavior training profile image

Mari Fetzer - the MARIDOG METHOD Behavior training


‘20 Certificate of Excellence

CHANGE YOUR DOG'S BEHAVIOR TO IMPROVE BOTH YOUR LIVES! Hi there! I am Mari Fetzer, creator of the MARIDOG Method™. I understand the challenges of being a pet parent - the behavior issues, the scheduling Jenga, the confusion of contradictory information out there. I am here to help you! You can book your FREE zoom consultation at https://calendly.com/maridog so we can get started with some practical tips you can implement immediately! I developed the MARIDOG™ Method over the past 12 years and believe that it is the most effective method to train your pup! The MARIDOG™ Method has 4 main components that synergistically create lasting change in your dog. 1. Your Dog - breed tendencies, learning history, environment, and individual personality 2. YOU. I will train you to train your dog. 3. Understanding Criteria. You dog isn't “stubborn” - s/he just doesn't understand what you are asking. You may not be asking the right behavior of your dog, or asking too complicated an idea for your dog to execute. Once you both understand what the other needs and wants and how to ask for it, frustrations fade away. 4. Communication. Your dog is constantly looking for clues as to what is going to happen, well before you speak words. S/he reads your body language, your actions, even your scent… so you need to start speaking Dog too. I will create a custom training plan for you to change your dog's behavior to improve both your lives. Your pup will learn to be FOCUSED, CONFIDENT, and CALM by incorporating 5-10 minute games throughout the day (as opposed to a long, dreary "training session") you'll be shaping your dogs overall behavior, rather than teaching one trick at a time. At the same time, you will get an arsenal of tools to use in managing your dog, instead of resorting to yelling "sit" all the time. LET'S GET STARTED! https://calendly.com/maridog

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

The is nothing better than helping a dog work through a challenge, whether is is learning to walk nicely on a lead, or overcoming a fear of strangers. The modern world is not necessarily built for the average dog - there are a lot of scary noises, incomprehensible rules, and a lot of alone time. There is also a lot of bad advice and mythology out there. By working one on one with every client, we create happy and healthy homes for all our pups!

What inspired you to start your own business?

I adopted my first dog, Laz, in 2013 (although I have been working with dogs since 2009); it was casually mentioned that he "didn't like other dogs." That was an understatement. Rather than giving up on him, I set out to learn every little thing I could about dog training in order to help this helpless little guy who had a crappy start in life and just needed a little help to get turned around. It took about a year, but he learned how to read other dogs' body language, how to greet other dogs, and how to play with other dogs! He even has an adopted brother that he loves!

The process was so enriching and fulfilling for me, that I knew it was my destiny in life to help as many dogs and humans as I can. I have worked hard everyday to continue to learn the best training methods; my best teachers are, of course, the dogs that I work with - every single one of them has taught me something invaluable. I am grateful for each and every one!

Why should our clients choose you?

I go beyond simple "positive reinforcement" training. I use play-based Concept Dog Training to teach your dog to be Focused, Confident, and Calm. Using 1-3 minute games frequently throughout the day, you will shape your dog's overall behavior, rather than teaching one trick at a time. You will learn how your dog thinks and learns so that you will be able to manage new challenges even after the training program is over.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

I am happy to work with you by video - each session will focus on just one exercise however, since mechanics are vitally important to communicate effectively with your dog.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I am very careful about hygiene standards personally and with clients. We all wear masks 100% of the time and have a window open throughout private session.

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The average rating for Bark Dog Trainers in New York City is 4.79, based on 1,590 reviews.

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