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Sacred Experience profile image

Sacred Experience

Sacred Experience is a Canberra-based health and fitness business. We are cutting edge in holistic health! Currently, our work is geared primarily around the delivery of Personal Training and Semi-Private Training Services. We have a council permit to operate outdoors at Henry Rolland Park, a beautiful, convenient and inspiring location right on the edge of Lake Burley Griffin. In addition, we have access to a high quality gym in Queanbeyan with Fortitude High Performance. We can also train clients at home or online. Adam van Apeldoorn is a Cert III and Cert IV qualified Personal Trainer and is a registered Level 2 Fitness Professional with Fitness Australia. He has completed several learning modules pertaining to fitness, such as Kettle Bell training, Medball Training, Training Pre and Post Natal Clients, Battle Rope Training and First Aid Training. Adam possesses two masters degrees in Organisational and Coaching Psychology and is well equipped to assist clients on the psychological aspects of training and fitness. He is a spiritually knowledgeable and can guide others in the spiritual space with things like mindfulness and meditation. Recently, Adam has also completed his qualification as a Corrective Exercise Specialist in the Biomechanics Method. All clients working with Sacred Experience will receive: 1. A free Coaching Strategy Session at the start of the engagement to discuss your fitness goals and to set action plans to achieve them. 2. A Welcome Pack and Product Manual. 3. An Induction PT session to get you up to speed quickly with the training. 4. A free Team Training Session on Saturday Mornings. 5. Rewards Program Access (Receive a free yoga mat and booty band set in your first week). 6. Book in for one on one phone or zoom consults with Adam as needed. 7. Attendance and Accountability Tracking. 8. A copy of the Sacred Experience Healthy Eating eBook, with dietary advice and lots of healthy recipes. 9. A copy of our Cardio Workouts eBook. 10. A copy of our Sacred Experience Calendar. 11. A Home Program to keep you going outside of the workouts through our specialized physiotherapy software ($50 each). 12. A dietician-designed Meal Plan to track, improve or maintain your diet ($50 each). 13. Access to the Sacred Experience Email List with featured hints and tips. 14. Access to additional support through our panel. 15. High quality fitness equipment to use in session. 16. Free parking at both Henry Rolland Park and Fortitude High Performance. 17. The ability to train to your choice of music on our Bluetooth-linked speaker. 18. The option to train online via Zoom or Skype, particularly on wet weather days.

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Hear from
a professional

How do you help your clients achieve their fitness goals?

Firstly, I hold a consultation or coaching strategy session with all new clients to get to know them and what they are hoping to achieve. This session also allows us to discuss things like diet, sleep, exercise and injury history, and whether there are currently any niggles or concerns. From there, I spend a fair bit of time in the first few sessions checking the body. We look at things such as joint range of motion, flexibility, alignment issues and whether there is any unusual stiffness, tension or weaknesses in the body. Once these factors have been addressed the exercise program can gradually be increased in intensity in a safe and effective manner.

What’s the secret to getting the body of your dreams?

A dream body is a nice thing to aspire to, but it is often the last step of the process. Of greater importance is whether your body is pain free and functional. Can it do what you need it to do? So for instance, if you are a mum, can you pick up your baby without suffering back or neck pain? If you are an office worker, do you need to treat some RSI so that you can work better at your desk? Do you have trauma stored in the body or prior injuries? There is not much point looking great on the outside if you are constantly suffering on the inside. So these initial factors must be addressed first.

What do you love most about your job?

I love clients who engage with me in their problem-solving. It is often the case, for instance, that some clients are working through a challenge that has held them back. So perhaps they have never been consistent with exercise before, and they are looking for consistency. Or perhaps they have prior injuries and we need to work through and experiment with a range of different exercises to find healing. Either way, when the client chooses to engage in the problem-solving and is willing to be open and experimental, I find it very satisfying, because it gives us a great chance of making progress.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I spent several years working on the wrong things, and suffered from generalised fatigue and burnout. Eventually, after much suffering, I put all the things I liked in life into a big pile and built a business structure around them with an underlying esoteric framework. Now I have much more energy.

Why should our clients choose you?

I call my approach Integrated Training because I aim to get fitness to become an ally in your life rather than an enemy. Your fitness program should work for you and it should empower you in other life domains. It should fit around your work and your responsibilities and enhance your capacity to live life fully and with greater joy. This approach is very different from simply being smashed. It is far kinder, and far more sustainable.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes. I have a flexible delivery model that allows for online training or coaching via Skype or Zoom. If you work with me only online, I will also send you a yoga mat and a booty band set at the start of the engagement, which will enable you to have some basic equipment to commence exercise with.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

I developed a COVID-19 safety plan recently for a fitness program I ran recently for the ACT government. As part of this I was required to read, understand and operate within the ACT Government COVID safety guidelines. During lockdown, we also moved to online only training, but since then, we have also ensured good practice by social distancing, hand sanitising, avoiding physical contact with others and sanitising fitness equipment in between uses.

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based on 18 reviews

The average rating for Bark Personal Trainers in Canberra is 4.95, based on 18 reviews.

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