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Eric Bailey Global profile image

Eric Bailey Global

Energize Your Team with NBA Finals Championship Energy: Eric Bailey's Transformative Motivation THE PROBLEM Is your organization struggling to maintain a cohesive company culture and high employee morale? If so, Eric Bailey CSP, Australia's Most Versatile Motivational Speaker, might just have the solution you've been seeking. In today's fast-paced business environment, many companies find it challenging to foster a sense of unity and motivation among their teams. The pressures of daily tasks, communication barriers, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance can significantly impact employee morale and productivity. But fear not, because Eric Bailey is here to offer a beacon of hope and practical solutions. With his unparalleled expertise in motivational speaking and leadership development, Eric can inject the energy and excitement of an NBA Finals Championship into your next event, helping you energize your team and strengthen your leadership. Eric Bailey’s tailored workshops and keynotes are designed to address these common workplace challenges. Through inspiring talks and interactive sessions, he can equip your team with the tools and mindset needed to excel. From strategies for effective communication and team collaboration to techniques for maintaining a positive mindset and work-life balance, Eric offers actionable insights that can reignite the passion and drive within your team. One of Eric's key focuses is on vision and goal setting. By helping your team to clearly define their vision and set achievable goals, he empowers them to stay motivated and aligned with the company's mission. This approach not only enhances individual performance but also fosters a sense of collective purpose and direction. By leveraging Eric Bailey's motivational expertise, your organization can transform challenges into opportunities and emerge stronger and more united than ever before. Imagine harnessing the same energy and excitement that propels teams to NBA Finals Championships and applying it to your business. With Eric Bailey, your team will feel that rush of adrenaline, the thrill of victory, and the determination to succeed. So, if you're ready to unlock the full potential of your workforce and cultivate a culture of resilience, innovation, and engagement, it's time to discover the transformative power of Eric Bailey's motivational speaking. Get ready to bring the championship energy to your team and watch them soar to new heights!

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

What I love most about my role as a global motivational speaker is the profound impact I can have on people's lives. Witnessing the transformation, the spark of inspiration, and the renewed sense of purpose in individuals and teams is incredibly fulfilling. Knowing that my words and experiences can empower others to overcome challenges, embrace change, and reach their highest potential is both humbling and gratifying. It's an honor to be a catalyst for positive change and to contribute to the growth, motivation, and success of individuals and organizations around the world.

What inspired you to start your own business?

What inspired me to start my own business was a deep-seated desire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Throughout my journey, I've faced challenges and setbacks that have led me to discover my own strengths, resilience, and unique perspective. I realized that my experiences, both triumphs and tribulations, could serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for individuals and organizations seeking personal and professional growth.

I wanted to create a platform where I could share my story, insights, and motivational messages on a global scale. The idea of empowering people to overcome obstacles, embrace change, and achieve their goals resonated deeply with me. By starting my own business, I could connect with diverse audiences, offer impactful keynote speeches, workshops, and coaching, and truly contribute to transforming lives for the better.

Ultimately, the passion to inspire, coupled with a drive to share the lessons I've learned along my journey, led me to embark on the path of becoming a global motivational speaker and entrepreneur. It's been a fulfilling and enriching experience, allowing me to witness the positive impact my message has on individuals and teams worldwide.

Why should our clients choose you?

Proven Expertise: With over 30 years of experience as a global motivational speaker, I've honed my ability to connect with diverse audiences and deliver powerful messages that resonate deeply.

Real-World Experience: My personal journey from adversity to success, combined with my background in professional basketball and working with renowned companies like Remax and Coronis, offers relatable and actionable insights that inspire lasting change.

Customized Content: I understand that every audience is unique. I take the time to tailor my presentations to address your specific needs, challenges, and goals, ensuring maximum relevance and impact.

Engaging Delivery: My dynamic speaking style captivates audiences, keeping them engaged and eager to absorb the knowledge and motivation I share.

Positive Transformation: I am dedicated to fostering positive transformation. I empower individuals and teams to overcome obstacles, build resilience, and unlock their full potential, ultimately leading to increased motivation, productivity, and success.

Holistic Approach: I integrate wellness principles into my talks, emphasizing the importance of mental, emotional, and physical well-being for overall success and fulfillment.

Global Perspective: As a global speaker, I've connected with audiences around the world, giving me a unique perspective on diverse cultures, industries, and challenges.

Inspirational Mindset: I believe in the power of mindset. My talks not only motivate but also equip listeners with actionable strategies to cultivate a positive and empowered mindset.

Tangible Takeaways: Attendees don't just leave inspired; they leave with practical tools and strategies they can immediately apply to their personal and professional lives.

Impactful Results: Countless individuals and organizations have experienced transformative results after hearing me speak. I am committed to leaving a lasting positive impact on your clients.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Absolutely, I am equipped to provide my motivational speaking services online or remotely, allowing me to connect with audiences worldwide in a virtual setting. Here's how I ensure a seamless and impactful virtual experience:

Engaging Virtual Presentations: My online presentations are just as dynamic and engaging as my in-person talks. I leverage virtual platforms to interact with audiences, share multimedia content, and create an immersive experience.

Interactive Q&A: I encourage active participation through live Q&A sessions, where attendees can ask questions and receive personalized insights directly from me.

Tailored Content: Just like in-person events, my virtual presentations are customized to your specific needs and audience. I ensure that the content resonates with the virtual audience and addresses their unique challenges.

Professional Production: I collaborate with production teams to ensure high-quality audio, video, and visual elements. This guarantees a polished and professional virtual experience.

Flexible Timing: Whether it's a live session or pre-recorded content, I can adapt to your preferred timing and schedule, accommodating different time zones and availability.

Global Reach: Virtual presentations allow me to reach audiences worldwide, breaking down geographical barriers and making my motivational messages accessible to a diverse range of participants.

Secure Virtual Platforms: I prioritize the security and privacy of virtual sessions, using reputable and secure platforms to ensure a safe and seamless experience.

Recording Options: Virtual presentations can be recorded for future reference or to share with those who couldn't attend the live session.

Follow-Up Resources: After the presentation, I provide follow-up resources, such as summary materials, worksheets, and actionable steps, to ensure the impact of the session endures.

Technical Support: I work closely with your technical team to ensure a smooth virtual setup, addressing any technical concerns before the event.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I have taken a range of proactive measures to prioritize the safety and well-being of my customers and audiences. These measures ensure that my services are delivered in a safe and responsible manner, both in-person and virtually:

Virtual Presentations: I have transitioned a significant portion of my services to virtual platforms. This allows audiences to engage with my content, insights, and motivational messages from the safety of their own spaces.

Health Guidelines: When conducting in-person events, I strictly adhere to local health guidelines and regulations. This includes ensuring social distancing, mask-wearing, and sanitization measures are in place.

Hybrid Options: For events where a combination of in-person and virtual attendance is possible, I offer hybrid solutions to cater to varying comfort levels and restrictions.

Flexible Rescheduling: I understand that circumstances can change rapidly. I offer flexible rescheduling options for both in-person and virtual events, accommodating any shifts in plans due to the ongoing situation.

Health and Safety Protocols: Prior to any in-person engagement, I work closely with event organizers to establish health and safety protocols that align with local regulations and provide a secure environment for attendees.

Pre-Event Communication: I maintain open communication with clients to ensure they are aware of the safety measures in place and to address any concerns they may have.

Virtual Interaction: During virtual sessions, I emphasize the importance of physical and mental well-being, offering tips and strategies to cope with the challenges posed by the pandemic.

Monitoring Updates: I continually monitor updates from health authorities and adapt my practices accordingly to ensure that my services are aligned with the latest safety guidelines.

Virtual Engagement Tools: In virtual presentations, I leverage interactive tools and platforms to foster engagement, interaction, and connection among participants, creating a sense of community even in remote settings.

Empathy and Support: Above all, I approach every engagement with empathy and understanding. I acknowledge the unique circumstances brought about by the pandemic and offer support and encouragement to navigate these challenging times.

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based on 979 reviews

Lee-Anne entered my life when everything was looking very bleak in my life & marriage and I was on the verge of giving up.. She calmly, patiently and without any judgement, helped me find my inner voice and inner peace.. She helped slay my demons and embrace my divine. 'What would love say' and 'what would love do' have become my mantras in life. I now understand that there is no quick fix or quick solution. This life is a continuous learning curve of self realisation & self discovery which Lee-Anne has helped me embark on - armed with the right tools. I can see positivity in my thoughts and actions and assertiveness in myself which I never had before. I credit Lee-Anne for the self confidence I possess now and that has helped me overcome my life long fears of flying, deep water, heights, to name a few... trivial for others but life altering for me. My relationship is now flourishing as both my husband and I have benefitted with couple and individual sessions with Lee-Anne. These helped us understand and heal our past, forgive ourselves and people in our past so we could move forward with a clear heart. We are now more aware to acknowledge, appreciate and recognise the efforts from one another. Thank you Lee-Anne, I wish you all the best for continuing to bring love and light into everyone's life..

05 Jul 2024

David is the ultimate professional. He is an engaging presenter on leadership, is articulate, approachable and easily demonstrates solutions for issues in your workplace. His thoughtful approach allows you to think outside the box. I have no hesitation recommending him.

15 Jun 2024

I signed up for a couples counselling sessions with Lee-Anne and received so much more than I could have imagined. With careful and compassionate guidance she has helped me to work on my relationship. Lee-Anne's genuine, kind energy makes her easy to talk to. The 12 individual sessions Lee-Anne has helped me enrich and enlighten my life’s journey for self help and healing. Meeting Lee-Anne has been life changing, you are supported in every step of your journey, I have gained lifelong lessons, coping skills, and have undergone more personal development in the last few months than I have in years. i am grateful for the opportunity to work with you Lee-Anne and wanted to say thank you.

08 May 2024

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