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How much do house cleaners cost in 2024?

The average price of house cleaning is
$20 to $50 per hour

in the US, depending on the size of your home and the service you need.

Looking to hire a house cleaner but unsure of the cost? Read on to find out how much you can expect to pay for one-off visits, regular cleaning services, deep cleans, and more.

There’s nothing more satisfying than having a clean and tidy home. But let’s face it, finding the time to roll up our sleeves and get on with it is no easy task, especially with so many other things happening! Whether you need a regular service or a one-off visit, a cleaner is a great way to keep on top of household chores, freeing up time to focus on more important matters.

A housekeeper has the equipment and knowledge to remove the most stubborn stains, keeping your home fresh, tidy, and germ-free. In this cleaning price guide, we'll sweep through the key stats, average costs, and factors that influence the quoted price for house cleaning in the US. We promise there are tips for scoring some savings without compromising on the sparkle!

Ready to begin your search for a cleaner? We can put you in touch with local cleaning professionals for free.

The Average Price of House Cleaners in the US

Woman cleaning

Hourly Rates for Cleaning

Getting a professional cleaner for your home sweet home tends to cost between $20 to $50 per hour. The hourly rate hinges on the level of housework they’ll tackle. Expect to hover around the lower end for regular touch-ups, skimming across counters, and light-duty fresher-uppers. But stirring up grime for a comprehensive deep clean can push that price to a higher figure.

Average cost of domestic cleaning per hour
Average cost (per hour) $35
Minimum cost (per hour) $20
Maximum cost(per hour) $50

Daily Rates for House Cleaners

If you have a big cleaning job, day rates might be a good option (although hourly cleaning rates are far more common). These usually start around $120 for four hours of work and can dance all the way up to $300 for the Herculean all-day scrubs. Whether you're prepping for a special event or simply letting disorder get nowhere fast, this option could align with your tidy timeline.

Project Rates for House Cleaning

For those who prefer per-project pricing, consider that most house cleaning services mix rates. A full home clean can cost between $200 to $375, while individual rooms often fall in the $25 to $100 range. These are rolling benchmarks that shift with room size and the complexity of the cleaning chore.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Cleaning

Man hoovering

Location, Location, Location

The cost of housekeeping services can vary largely depending on your location. If you live in a big city like New York, you can expect to pay double for the same service in other parts of the US. This is because the price of living is higher in bigger and more populated cities.

To give you a general idea, we’ve calculated the average cost of a house cleaner giving a family home a top-to-bottom clean by location: 

Average cleaner costs by location
Location Average cost (in total)
New York $120 - $300
Pittsburgh $110 - $210
Houston$110 - $200
Denver $125 - $250
Chicago $100 - $200

Size of the House

Whether you have a compact apartment or a sprawling, 'just-bought-a-football-team' type of manor, size dictates a hefty portion of the house cleaner's fee. The larger your livable space, the more square feet they've got to scrub—which means they will spend longer hours getting your home in tip-top shape (and the cost will go up accordingly.)

House cleaning prices by room
House size Average cost (in total)
1 bedroom $120
2 bedrooms $130
3 bedrooms $150


If you arrange to have your house cleaned on a regular basis, you may well find that your housekeeper gives you a better deal for the prospect of a long-term contract. It's also the case that if you have your house cleaned regularly it probably won't get as dirty between sessions, which means your cleaner won't have to spend as long bringing it up to scratch each time. On the flipside, a less regular clean might involve more work, which again brings the cost up.

Specific Types of House Cleaning and Their Average Prices

Woman cleaning window
Types of cleaning and their prices
Type of cleaning Average cost (in total)
Regular cleaning$100 - $150
Deep cleaning $125 - $175

Deep Cleaning

Shaping up for the season with a deep clean? Be prepared to shell out a lump sum of anywhere from $300 - $600, all dependent on a medley of the previously mentioned variables. This service uproots dirt and grime from even the most unsuspecting hideouts, leaving no shelf unturned or baseboard unkempt. It's the cleaner's gold-medal run.

Regular Cleaning

As we're explored above, a regular clean costs an average of $35 an hour, with prices starting lower if you search hard enough or get lucky. This bring the price of an average whole-family-house clean to $100 - $150. This type of cleaning service will help you keep things in check and nip messiness in the bud.

End of Tenancy Cleaning

Tenants ready to pass the cleaning baton can expect a cost that varies from $100 to $650 on average. This final clean is more costly, but it should return to the property to 'good as new' (or as close as possible). Inventory and move-out checks are often done just before or after the clean.

You may want other things cleaned, such as your carpets, which aren't usually part of a domestic clean. If you want your carpets to last longer, smell fresher and be free from allergens, check out our carpet cleaning price guide.

How to Save Money on a Domestic Cleaner

Man washing window

Bundle Up Your Services

Imagine clean laundry and cleaned-out dust balls in a single day! While things like laundry and ironing aren't generally part of a cleaning service, they all count as domestic chores and many cleaners or agencies will allow you to add these on for an extra price, perhaps with savings as part of a bundle. Utilize their flexibility, and sometimes you might save more than you anticipated.

Supply Your Own Products

When you tow in your preferred stash of cleaning yummies, you wave off the house cleaner’s supply fees. Plus, you control what goes into your home environment. It's a tandem clean and green.

Be a Time Window Warrior

Sometimes, choosing a less popular time for your clean can be beneficial - think early in the week, for example. It's a win-win; odd hours for less money, and zero cleaning stress during your prime relaxation window.

Choosing a Cleaner Based on Your Budget

Person hoovering

The Bargain Hunter

At $20 to $30 an hour, your cleaner will probably be a solo player rather than part of an agency service. This shouldn't impact the quality of your clean, but downsides for the price may include not automatically having someone to cover if your cleaner is off one week.

The Mid-Range Seekers

For $30 to $40 an hour, you'll find a mid-to-higher end cleaner. They may be part of an agency and for this price you will expect a thorough clean with great service.

The Premium Fan

For $40 to $50 an hour, you welcome the cleaning elite into your home. Except teams or professionals with glowing reviews, specialized tools, and documented spotlessness prowess. These are the ones dialing cleanliness to eleven.

Here’s the takeaway on house cleaning costs in the US for 2024—if you're looking for reasonably priced house cleaning, you should have plenty of options to choose from. It's up to you how much you spend, but no price tag can match the immeasurable peace that fresh floors and sparkling surfaces bring.

Ready to pass the domestic chores to a professional? Find a brilliant local cleaner on Bark now.

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