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Orlando Mural Company, LLC profile image

Orlando Mural Company, LLC

Orlando Mural Co is a standout in the mural business, combining 15 years of fine art expertise with a passion for helping local businesses thrive. Our original hand-rendered murals magnetize customers, elevate brand presence, and boost social media engagement. As a millennial-owned venture, we infuse our designs with a fresh, modern touch, creating captivating experiences that set our clients apart in a competitive market. Let us bring your business to life, or set your home apart, with a remarkable mural!

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

I love going into a space that some may call plain, but I call full of potential. I get to go in there and create a completely different atmosphere just by adding paint! I have such a blast creating something my client is in love with, and their customers are in awe of.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I was working as a muralist at the resorts near the theme parks, and I loved turning the homes into masterpieces. I started my own company so I could use that same magic to turn local businesses into masterpieces that draw people in and inspire them to share their interactions with the murals with their friends and on social media.

Why should our clients choose you?

We are clean, quick, professional, and we have been painting several murals a week for 2 years now. Many artists are only able to paint in one particular style, but we love the challenge and flexibility of painting what our clients need to make their particular business stand out in the way they want it to stand out.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Consultations can be performed through Zoom and the like. Painting is done in person.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

Strict hand hygiene, and social distancing if required.

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based on 4,969 reviews

We own a high-end rental but live outside the US most of the year. With a long-term renter moving out, the place required a complete refresh so that it could once again be listed as a fully designed and furnished rental. We needed somebody who could be on site and make decisions with little direct guidance. Denise did the design, the required budgeting, and the planning work upfront to make sure all the required materials would be ready. Then, being the one-stop-shop she is, Denise and her team were able to supervise the clean-up, do the required touch up of paint and such, assemble new furniture pieces, and provide and install all the original art needed to make the place a show stopper. We were super satisfied with the results and feel only an approach like Denise’s could have got this done on time and on budget!

31 Jan 2024

I wasn't sure what I wanted for my living and office space and ended up hiring Denise as a consult. She is very passionate about design and art while maintaining a professional and skilled presence. The process of working with her was easy and the installation process was painless. Overall it was a fun process even though I don't have much interest in design, and we were very happy with the end result. I would recommend Denise to anyone who isn't sure what they want or are new to the idea of consulting a designer.

30 Jan 2024

If you’re looking to transform one room or your whole house, I highly recommend Creating Sacred Spaces. Denise has helped me with several home projects, including placing and hanging my artwork and installing some of her beautiful paintings. She has a keen eye for color and design. She also rearranged furniture and grouped items to work with the flow of the house. Recently, she completely blew me away when she organized my kitchen and pantry. She has a gift for putting everything in the perfect place. My home feels so spacious and inviting, and I feel overjoyed and grateful when I walk in the room. Thank you Denise for your heart, your talent and for going above and beyond with your added special personal touches! Reach out to her for a consultation if you know your house needs help, but you just don’t know where to start - or don’t have time to tackle it. She will grasp your mission, make quick decisions, and work hard to exceed your expectations. That is where Denise shines. Your house will feel like home.

26 May 2023

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