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based on 390 reviews

Juan Esteban was an absolute gentleman. He came to view the job and provided a quote under the value of the job. I upped his salary: something I have never done before! I will write a review on the actual work which he guarantees will be done in such a timely fashion.

29 Mar 2023

I have worked with Iliana on multiple occasions. From creating a new brand, to rebranding, to signage and styling our space. Iliana always takes a very thorough approach to every project. I had no idea how much work is involved in creating a simple logo or design. What I loved about the process is that I was a big part of it and was navigated by Iliana. It was actually a lot of fun! Iliana always delivered everything on time as well, which is so important when you start something new. All my projects were personable, punctual, professional and to my satisfaction. I really enjoyed working with Iliana and really recommend her services.

10 Jan 2023

Satisfied. On time and meet the expectation.

04 Apr 2022

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