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Tackling addiction is tough, and finding the right help for you or the sufferer is a hard task that can get in the way of finding treatment. Thankfully Bark understand, and have made it so easy to reach an addiction specialist. Just tell us what you need from your therapist and we will find and contact all suitable providers in your area, completely free. Therapists who feel they can help you will contact you through Bark, and explain how they can help you. You just need to choose who you want to talk to.



based on 1,555 reviews

Working with Gary was great. He guides the conversation well helping to come to conclusions and thoughts naturally. He has helped me a lot in many areas, some more then what I originally went to him for which I’m so grateful for

21 Jul 2024

Been working with Gary the last few weeks and already seeing a massive benefit from our time chatting about life and how to change my mindset for the better. When I first started this journey my self worth was in the toilet and my anxiety was creeping back in after having a handle on it for a long time, Gary has turned this all around in just a few sessions and I look forward to continuing to work through my limiting beliefs and negative self talk with him. Give him a call, you won't regret it.

13 Jul 2024

Gary is a unique approach to coaching. He has a vast knowledge bank in regards to mens mindset and mentality. He will for sure question your actions and words criticially, give you great positive feedback and help you yourself realize the solutions needed (which is the most powerful, because then you own the solution more). Besides that he is a genuint pleasant guy to talk with and a guy that truly cares.

13 Jul 2024

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