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The light and sound production of your wedding can help you create a perfect ambiance. Bark takes the hassle out of finding lighting and sound professionals for your big day. Just tell us what you need and we'll find and contact all of the suitable sound and lighting professionals in your area - completely free. We'll give you back a list of carefully crafted quotes, and you just need to choose who you want to talk to. It's that easy!

The average price of Wedding Sound and Lighting professionals is $850

Region Great Value



based on 199,144 reviews

Kris made it easy… I was able to talk to him anytime I needed… he came to the party fully prepared and did a wonderful job even in the horrific heat!

17 Jul 2024

D67 DJ my wedding this past weekend at Foxhall Resort in Douglasville Georgia and when I tell you, he was awesome set up hour and a half before time professional state of art equipment. This man is awesome. I will hire him over and over and over again, he don’t know it yet, but I’m gonna call him to DJ my birthday next month❤️❤️

15 Jul 2024

Turning 70, I would have chosen to forget but having DjKris there playing all my favorite songs made it incredible. He set the tone for a dynamic party. Kris was professional and so very easy to work with. He was very thorough in making sure the song on my list were sung by the artist or cover artist I wante artist or covers I wanted. My family and friends all had a great time and my birthday turned to 70 & fabulous! My son is turning 50 in a couple of months and you guessed it. DjKris will be there making his night as spectator as he did mine. If you're in need of a great music man, Kris is your guy!! What can I say, Kris is awsome.

08 Jul 2024

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