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How much does Rewiring cost?

Average Price
$2,000 - $8,000

What is the price of Rewiring?

Are you looking to hire an electrician to rewire your home? Find out how much they’ll charge in this useful price guide.

What is Rewiring?

Properties that are over 25 years old are likely to need rewiring if they still have their original wiring. This is because wiring can deteriorate or become damaged over time. Modern standards have evolved to ensure safety, so most older properties won’t meet these new standards.

It’s recommended that your wiring is inspected every 10 years by a registered electrician, to make sure that safety standards are being met. Even newer houses may require rewiring if the existing wiring is damaged or has been tampered with by a DIY-enthusiast.

Rewiring a house typically involves upgrading the circuit breaker box and replacing the existing wiring. This is also a good time to choose to have more power outlets added to your home for your appliances, phone chargers, televisions and computers, or extra switches for your convenience.

You may find that your property may also need to be rewired if you’re planning a renovation project such as an extension or converting your garage or attic into living space. This is because your existing wiring will need to be upgraded to safely carry the additional load.

Rewiring your home is often a major job and a large expense. However, faulty wiring can be extremely hazardous, so rewiring may be essential. Old or faulty wiring can cause circuits to blow, frequent power cuts or even electric shocks and house fires, so it’s important to book an inspection with an electrician if you suspect that your home may need rewiring.

How much does Rewiring cost?

Rewiring your property is a massive undertaking, both in time and cost. However, it’s often essential for both safety and modern convenience. It’s important to know how much rewiring your home is going to cost before you commit to hiring an electrician.

Many factors need to be taken into consideration when considering the price of rewiring your home. The most significant of these is the size of your property. Although there is no fixed rate, a breakdown of the average costs of rewiring a home based on local US professionals is given below.

Average cost of Rewiring
Average cost$5,000
Minimum cost$2,000
Maximum cost$8,000

What changes the price of Rewiring?

The price of rewiring a property will depend on several factors including:

  • Property size

  • Whether a full or partial rewire is required

  • Location

Property size

The biggest consideration when it comes to the price of rewiring your home will be the size of the property. The larger your house, the more wiring needs to be done and the more costly it will be. There will be much more wiring to replace in a four-bedroom house than in a one-bedroom apartment, so it will be more expensive to replace.

There’s no set rate for rewiring different sizes of property. However, a breakdown of average costs of rewiring a home based on local US professionals is given below.

Average cost of Rewiring based on the property size
House sizeAverage cost of rewiring
One-bedroom apartment$2,000
Two-bedroom townhouse$4,000
Three-bedroom townhouse$6,000
Four-bedroom detached$8,000

Full or partial Rewiring

It goes without saying that a partial rewire of your property will be cheaper than a full rewire. You can sometimes avoid paying for a full rewire if the existing cabling is in good condition and able to carry any additional loads required.

If you’re rewiring in preparation for renovation work such as an extension or an attic conversion, you can often choose to partially rewire your property by simply upgrading to a new circuit breaker box to give you the capacity for the additional load required.

The average price of upgrading to a modern circuit breaker box can vary. However, a breakdown of average costs is given below.

Average cost of upgrading to a modern circuit breaker box
Average cost$1,475
Minimum cost$851
Maximum cost$3,000


There are likely to be regional variances in the cost of hiring an electrician to rewire your property, depending on your state. This is a result of different levels of competition, state regulation, taxes and costs of running a business between different states.

In cities such as Los Angeles, Denver and New York, prices are likely to be higher than the average. In more rural areas, prices may fall below the average rates, although you may be charged for gas or a trip fee.

Is it worth getting Rewiring?

If your house has any damaged or deteriorated wiring, rewiring your home is essential. As well as causing power cuts and fuses to trip, poor wiring can also lead to electric shocks and house fires if not dealt with.

When you’re planning on extending your property or converting the attic or garage into living space, you may find that you need to rewire your home first. This is to create capacity for the additional circuits required for the new living space.

If you’re moving into an older property, you’ll need to check whether it has ever been rewired from its original wiring. Old wiring typically doesn’t stand up well to today’s modern safety standards and isn’t built for the capacity we need today. The chances are, your wiring will need to be upgraded.

If you’re unsure about whether your property may need to be rewired, it’s best to contact an electrician to carry out an inspection. After all, they’re the experts. They’ll be able to tell you whether there are any safety issues with your current wiring and whether it could be improved through rewiring.

You should never take your chances with dangerous or deteriorating wiring in your home. Find an electrician on Bark today and get a quote for rewiring your home. 

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