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When you or a loved one is in need of help, knowing which psychotherapist to engage with can be an incredibly hard thing to do. Bark works hard to make it easier - just tell us why you're looking for psychotherapy and what you hope to achieve, and we'll find and contact all of the suitable specialists in your area, completely free. Interested psychotherapists will reply back to you through Bark with a personal message, explaining what they and offer and how they can help you, and you just need to choose who to talk to. It's that simple.



based on 1,805 reviews

My experience: It is extremely different from what you'd expect a therapy session to be. Comes off very spiritual but she uses the term metaphysical. It's basically manifesting and detaching yourself from your trauma to allow yourself to heal without the burden pulling you down. But it doesn't solve anything. Your issues will still be there, nothing she does will directly help you figure out logically how to move forward...the answers/clarity you get are internal and it'll be loudest during and after this session. You might feel awkward or weirded out during the session but if you really want to just feel better and in a more controlled yet peaceful state with yourself, your body and soul, then she will help a lot. After a session with her, i genuinely feel better...a lot more calm and grateful and in control of my reactions and actions. But, again, my issues are still there, they still linger and crave to be resolved. The difference is that I can do things I need to do without feeling too drained and like as if I am being held at a chokehold where I really wouldn't have any energy because I would be thinking about my problems 24/7. 100/100% worth it and it is an entirely new experience in itself. Don't come expecting to talk about your issues. Just know that you will feel lighter, more confident, and just overall better by the end of her session. She is an extremely sweet person herself.

05 Jul 2024

I'm glad to have Yi Shan as my therapist. She exudes warmth, calm and a playful spark which makes me feel at ease to be myself and go with the flow. Experiencing therapy is different from reading about it. I'm thankful to have given myself a possibility to heal through therapy with Yi Shan. Thank you, Yi Shan.

25 Jun 2024

Yi Shan delivered an engaging and insightful talk at the Career Development Association of Singapore (CDAS) last November, sharing her expertise and passion with the audience. Her presentation was well-structured, informative, and thought-provoking, leaving a lasting impact on the attendees. Her ability to connect with the audience and facilitate meaningful discussions was truly impressive! Best Regards Chong Kum Hong Vice-president Career Development Association of Singapore

25 Jun 2024

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