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Shona Soul Synergy Healing profile image

Shona Soul Synergy Healing

I am a certified Practitioner of the Forensic Healing System. It is an award winning Structured Natural Therapy System that combines science and intuition. Forensic Healing is regarded as the deepest most effective healing framework to release pain, trauma and stress. It answers long standing questions regarding chronic physical, emotional and spiritual conditions and clears stubborn relationship, health and financial blocks.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

After a healing session the client reports of feeling lighter. They feel huge burdens lifted , and a sensation of wholeness and a deeper emotional/ spiritual connection. Its common for a client to leave the healing session feeling less stress, less pain and less bothered about people close to them and their life circumstances.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I had always felt a connection on a spiritual level (saw, felt and knew) and felt my purpose in life was to be of service in some aspect . I have always been connected and believed in a higher power, I was very intuitive and could feel (energetically) and know things before they occurred. Knowing as I do now, I had blocked much of my gifts and talents, for many years, but as usual, when you aren't living in your integrity, spirit will guide, and help you find your path.
Today as an energy healer I believe this combines, both aspects of my physic, intuitive abilities.

Why should our clients choose you?

I believe I am compassionate, supportive and most of all empathic to a clients needs. I am here to assist them on an their emotional, physical and spiritual level as they endeavor to go on their healing journey.
A client will choose me only if they are open and willing to work on their conditions, and they feel I resonate with them.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

I provide remote (distance) healing sessions that can be done via zoom, video chat or phone.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

My distant healing sessions have become popular as they can allow the client to be in their own environment, home (either laying or sitting down)
I check if a client has any symptoms or unwell, if they have travelled or been in a location that is regarded as a hotspot. Wearing of facemasks are offered with client and myself. I am happy to do in person sessions, if they pass all requirements.

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The average rating for Bark Therapists in Port Macquarie is 5.00, based on 68 reviews.

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