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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Dallas-based Web Designers, we can help.

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We are business people and not computer geeks. We have been creating highly effective and well-designed websites since 2005. Your Web Guys has a track record and portfolio that you can believe in. We take care of everything you need to have your business online. You don't even need any 3rd-party companies, unless you are processing credit cards on your site. Before that, we were online for years, working behind the scenes making money for others by specializing in traffic generation. So often, we saw our hard-earned traffic sent to poorly designed, hard-to-navigate websites. Soon, we realized that those painfully bad pages were being made for ridiculously high prices, so why not do it ourselves? We could do it much better for far less money and provide a complete solution for small businesses rather than just a design. We were doing this through word of mouth as a side project for over five years. The success of that cottage enterprise convinced us to bring it to every small business owner in 2005.

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Hear from
a professional

What makes a great website?

A website that meets the goals of the company it represents. You can have all the calls to action and bleeding edge graphics or code, you can even have great search engine optimization and social media integration, but if the goals of the website are not being met, none of those things matter.

What questions might you ask a client when starting a new project?

What are your goals for the website? As was mentioned in the answer to "what makes a great website" it does not matter how good the site looks or how well it ranks. If it is not meeting its goals then it is not a good website. The first and most important thing we need to know is what is the reason for the website in the first place. All other questions stem from that.

Why should our clients choose you?

Most companies face one or more huge challenges when it comes to their online presence.

- They either have a website that was created in the past which is not meeting their goals currently or could even be completely inaccessible to them
- They are working with a company that is either too large or too geeky (or even too far overseas) to be a true partner when it comes to their web presence
- They have a website that is so difficult to use or they are drowning in the cumbersome nature the process of doing so that they simply stopped trying to update it
- They have issues with hosting or domain renewal that cause the website to go offline in the most inopportune moments and they dont know which vendor to contact much less how to resolve it themselves.

Our clients have none of these issues. We take care of everything from hosting and maintenance to support and security updates and even domain renewal and email. We are a one stop shop for all they need and we are live and local in the Dallas Fort Worth metroplex ready to resolve any problems they may run into. We are big enough to handle just about any situation and to meet any need while still being small enough that our clients know our faces and can meet with us any time they need to in our Farmers Branch offices.

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