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Daily Mail
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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Belfast-based Graphic Designers, we can help.

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Rotate Design

Northern Ireland

Do you need help with your advertising? Facebook campaign? Website? A new logo, or maybe your a start up business looking for a talented graphic designer that can provide creative solutions to your design problems? Look no further, at Rotate Design we specialize in traditional design for print or new media. We can design your logo, or go much much deeper by helping you develop strong customer connections with creative design that is compelling and cohesive, creating unique brand experiences that will propel your business forward! If you would like COST EFFECTIVE GRAPHIC DESIGN that delivers RESULTS, in other words makes you or your business money, then contact us today, we would be delighted to help!

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Hear from
a professional

Describe your creative process.

Initially Rotate Design must understand and research the client’s business sector and company by listening to all needs and requirements. If possible a written emailed brief from the client helps formalise what is needed. From this initial client contact(s) (either via email, phone or meeting face to face) a proposal is drafted up that answers all key questions posed by the client, establishes their requirements, lists deadlines and budgets and outlines the design process and what the client will receive when the project is completed. Only then when a proposal has been agreed does the design process begin.

Start-up Business - Design Process
If the client is a start up business a branding workshop is discussed and introduced FREE of charge. The branding workshop will help establish the company/business vision, mission, values, character etc and when completed this helps aid the initial presentation. The first presentation will consist of 3-4 logo design options that will demonstate different visual and verbal brand directions with the application onto either a piece of stationery, signage, advertising, vehcile livery, marketing material or website etc. Whatever is most relevant and helps the client visualise how their new corporate identity or mark would actually look.

The selected corporate identity is then discussed and tweaked futher to end up with a perfect fit and brand direction.

Every client is unique having different requirements and problems that need professional creative design solutions and discussed in detail before any design work can begin, this is where research and the extra hidden work really pays of with complete client satisfaction.

What information do you need from a client before you can start work?

As much information as possible about their business/company/previous design and marketing or them.... you can never have too much! Background knowledge and information will help established the backbone to your unique brand that is compelling to customers and reflects the company, business or individual in the best possible light.

What do you love most about your job?

Creativity, innovation, originality that's what every client requires and invests hard earned cash and time to obtain, it's the most rewarding and satisfactory part of the job I LOVE.

What inspired you to start your own business?

It wasn’t quite inspiration maybe just a hint of desperation as I was made redundant after 14 years as a graphic designer in two great design companies when the bubble burst in 2009 and I lost my job! At the peak of the recession there was simply no positions suitable, certainly not without a very substantial pay cut! It quickly became sink or swim time and 1 year later (with savings depleated) I started Rotate Design. Hard graft and persistence with value lead quality design work it eventually paid off. Would I go back to being an employee... NEVER, I value my time more, quality of life and being my own boss, allows me the time for a run every morning plus the daily comute as an employee was godawful!

Why should our clients choose you?

Good question... I know what it’s like to start a business from scratch and the importance of working capital with tight budgets. This is especially true when launching a new brand that requires excellent design and creative marketing materials. Whether the client is a start up business, or an established company (needing a brand refresh) Rotate Design consistently over delivers on quality creative design solutions by understanding your needs and your marketplace. Rotate produces design solutions that work, ultimately answering the brief, over delivering on value for money by making YOU money.

We let our work speak for itself, with the single aim of creating happy prosperous clients.

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The average rating for Bark Graphic Designers in Belfast is 4.93, based on 266 reviews.

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