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Need to find a Window Cleaner in Edinburgh?

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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Edinburgh-based Window Cleaners, we can help.

First time looking for a Window Cleaner and not sure where to start? Let us do the legwork for you. Tell us about your project and we’ll send you a list of Window Cleaners in Edinburgh to review.  

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Personal Outdoors profile image

Personal Outdoors

We clean windows using a water fed pole and pure water. Though we don't wipe your windows dry, the pure water dries streak free and clear, and as there is no soap, there is no film left on to later attract dirt. We text a day ahead. We text when we are done. If there is a need to talk, we use the phone, even on your driveway. You pay us electronically. This is more efficient. This is safe. We work with you. There is no mystery, the windows are either clean or not. We'll come back and do them again if we have to. If we can't clean them to your satisfaction you will be sure we tried our best, and we can part friends. Personal Outdoors is a family run business.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

It's the people I "e-meet." Though we hardly meet face to face any more, my customers are just the NICEST people. I thought at first I would just come, clean and go, but many customers insist on talking on the phone in the window, some have put bottled water out for me on a hot day.... just AMAZING friendly people!

What inspired you to start your own business?

Look, it's good work and there are too many people out of work. At the same time, everyone needs their windows cleaned and everyone can afford it.

I started this part time so as to learn how to run a window cleaning business. My goal is to hire people who want to run their own business and show them how to. This skills transfer will be free; I just want to get 100 people who are not working, back into work.

You can help by getting us more customers - tell your neighbours about us and give them our number. 07828 834 850.

Why should our clients choose you?

Choose us because we are honest and reliable. And because you want your windows cleaned.

We text ahead so you expect us. We wash your windows and frames and your front door. We text when we are done. Then we charge you and we collect your payment.

That's all you expect isn't it? Reliability, clean windows, agreed price, hassle free payment with the option to stop any payment for any reason before it goes through?

See? We understand each other already! Give us a go and we will show we are willing and able to meet this standard.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

As much as we possibly can do is done online, all conversations and other communication including the payment transactions.

We try to keep communication both functional and friendly (actually we couldn't speak formal office speak if we tried) so please don't be offended if we come across familiar.

At the same time we miss the contact which was so engaging. You are not just a set of windows and a direct debit to us. Please feel free to call us or wave when we are on your driveway. Actually, YOU might bang on the windows to grab our attention because, you know? we can't see in unless we try really hard!

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

No direct contact.
Notifications by text.
Conversations by mobile phone.
Payments by direct debit.
Face-2-face so rare but even then at 3+ m distant.

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