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What’s the average cost of a Graphic Designer?

Average Price
$50 per hour

How much does a Graphic Designer cost on average?

Need a graphic designer to help with your next project but unsure whether it’s within budget? Read our handy guide to find out how much your graphic designer will cost for services like logo design, business cards and similar projects.

What is a Graphic Designer?

Graphic design is a visual art form that encompasses illustration, typography, photo manipulation and motion design. A graphic designer can work with both physical and digital mediums to create items such as logos, posters, business cards, brochures, letterheads, canvas prints, book covers, signage, social media graphics, packaging and more. 

Usually, a graphic designer will have undergone formal training, often including a university degree. They may also have enhanced their skills working at a design studio or printing company. The key qualities of a graphic designer involve having excellent attention to detail and the ability to creatively interpret a brief. 

How much does a Graphic Designer cost? 

Average cost (per hour) $50
Minimum cost (per hour) $25
Maximum cost (per hour) $90

On average, a graphic designer will charge between $25 and $90 per hour. Though your project may also be priced as a fixed fee too which could work out cheaper overall.


When you work with a graphic designer you quite literally are starting with a blank canvas! The scope of your project will ultimately determine the price, but here are some things to consider which will impact costs: 

  • Type of graphic design service 

  • Item type 

  • Design style 

  • Intended purpose 

  • Experience of designer

  • Project scope 

  • Revisions

Type of graphic design serviceHighest average price (per item)Lowest average price (per item)
Logo design$3,000$200
Book cover$1,200$200
Brochure design$1,000$85
Business cards$1,500 $50
Signage$2,500 $350
Social media covers$1,200 $50

If you’re confused by the pricing structure of graphic designers then you’re not alone! They can charge per item, per hour or give you a package price, so no two pricing structures will be the same. 

The fee also is much higher for the most experienced freelancers or if you go to a design studio.

On average, social media covers and business cards are the cheapest items to produce, starting at just $50. The most expensive item is logo design which can be as much as $3,000. The reason for this is because your logo will be used on every single piece of marketing material you produce for many years to come. It communicates to your customers exactly who it is you are and will set the tone for the kind of clientele you want to attract. 

Item type

Graphic designers are skilled in creating a variety of printed or digital pieces. It’s a good idea to research what would work best for your project before you contact a designer, though they can give you help and advice if needed. If you are unsure, then check out some local printing companies to see what type of items they can produce for you with your design. 

Design style

Graphic designers will have their unique style and work process. So if you have an ongoing need for design, it’s best to keep working with the same designer rather than to keep chopping and changing. This is especially the case if you are happy with their work, as graphic designers will also frown at being asked to copy existing styles or pieces.

Intended purpose

Your graphic designer must know where their creation is going to go, as this will have a big impact on their design decisions. 

For example, if you are having a piece of signage made the text will need to be large and bold so that it can be seen easily by passing traffic. Likewise, a business card is only the size of a credit card so the challenge is to make sure the text and graphics are legible. 

Some items such as a logo may need to work at smaller and larger scales. Your graphic designer should provide you with a range of file formats such as eps, pdf, jpg, png, etc so that the artwork can be used for a variety of purposes. 

Experience of designer

A graphic designer with years of experience under their belt will charge more than someone who is newly qualified. However, when it comes to the visuals representing your business it’s imperative to have an expert eye dictate proceedings. 

While not everyone has the budget for a top design studio, always make sure you are dealing with a professional before you start. Their portfolio as well as asking about their experience will guide you with this. 

Project scope

By far the biggest cost driver is going to be the scope of the project. Your graphic designer is going to need to know upfront how much work is required so that they can give you an accurate quote. It’s best not to tell them how long you think the work will take, as no two designers are the same. Even if a project is quick to turnaround, it could well be the case that it’s because the designer is extremely experienced, and with that wisdom comes an increased price. 

The best way to approach a project scope is to be upfront about your requirements. For example, be specific on what you’re expecting if you ask for a complete branding package that includes a logo, business stationery, signage, etc. It’s also ok to add more items as the project progresses, but be aware that this will come at an increased cost. Your designer may be booked for future assignments, so where possible tell them all the details in the initial brief. 


As much as your professional will be doing all the work, graphic design is a collaborative process where you’ll work with the designer to ensure you’re happy with the details, and to tweak anything if necessary. 

Before you enter into a contract, your designer will specify how many changes are included within the quote. If you require excessive changes then your designer may need to bill you for these separately. 

By giving the designer a very clear brief you will ensure you are both on the same page. This will save you both time and ultimately money on endless revisions.

Hiring a Graphic Designer - is it worth the cost? 

First impressions count for a lot, and if your marketing materials are poorly designed or don’t get the message across effectively, then they could lose you valuable business. Even if your project isn’t business-related, having the skilful eye of a graphic designer to produce the work is well worth it.

After all, graphic designers study for years and are constantly refining their technique. They have an eye for colour, layout and typography, which are all essential in creating an eye-catching design. 

From logos to posters and even custom artwork for your home, graphic designers can do it all. Bring your vision to life with an experienced Graphic Designer on Bark.

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