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13923 N May Ave, Oklahoma City, OK

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We help companies, big and small, discover what makes them unique and channel it into a memorable experience that outsells and outshines their competition online.

We keep our process simple, transparent, and customer-focused. We avoid buzzwords and false embellishments – we spend our energy instead focusing on creating best-in-class user experiences that translate into the things that matter.

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7 customer reviews

8 February 2024

They create amazing websites!

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23 January 2024

Create OKC designed a fantastic website for Hope City Realty, and the difference between the old website and their design and functionality is miles apart. So grateful for the amazing website and marketing! More...

Reviewed on Facebook

23 January 2024

From the inception of our collaboration with CreateOKC, it became evident that we were working with a team of true professionals who understood our vision and goals. The creativity and attention to detail exhibited by your designers were truly impressive. They took the time to understand our brand identity, values, and objectives, and translated them into a visually stunning and cohesive website. More...

Reviewed on Facebook

23 January 2024

Our church has been blessed by the services of Create OKC regarding building a church website with all the desired integrations of media and giving. Thankful for their great web design expertise! More...

Reviewed on Facebook

17 January 2024

As the owner of a small real estate brokerage in a small town in Oklahoma, my website and web presence was severely lacking, and I just didn’t know what I didn’t know regarding SEO. After a new web build and optimization, I am now getting calls on properties that haven’t had calls in weeks, and my online views have more than tripled. I am so pleased with the work the Create OKC team has done, and would highly recommend them for your design and SEO needs! More...

16 January 2024

Absolutely fantastic team! Highly recommend. Marketing, Web Design and their ability to manage brand partnerships.

Reviewed on Facebook

16 January 2024

The experience from start to finish was nothing short of amazing, and we are thrilled with the results. CreateOKC demonstrated a high level of professionalism, expertise, and creativity throughout the entire process. From the initial discussions about our vision for the website to the final implementation, they consistently exceeded our expectations. Their team listened attentively to our requirements and worked diligently to bring our ideas to life. More...

Reviewed on Facebook


A great website is characterized by several key elements that collectively contribute to a positive user experience, effective communication, and overall success. Here are some crucial factors that make a website great:

User-Friendly Design:
- Intuitive Navigation: The website should have a clear and easy-to-follow navigation structure, allowing users to find information quickly and effortlessly.
- Responsive Design: A great website is accessible and functional across various devices and screen sizes, ensuring a consistent experience for users on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Compelling Content:
- Relevant and Engaging: The content should be relevant to the target audience, conveying information in a clear, concise, and engaging manner.
- High-Quality Imagery: Visual elements, including images and videos, should be of high quality and support the overall message of the website.

Fast Loading Times:
- Optimized Performance: A great website loads quickly to retain user interest. Optimizing images, utilizing efficient coding practices, and leveraging content delivery networks (CDNs) contribute to faster loading times.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
- Optimized for Search Engines: Implementing SEO best practices helps the website rank higher in search engine results, making it more discoverable to potential visitors.

Clear Call-to-Action (CTA):
- Intuitive CTA Elements: Effective CTAs guide users on what action to take next, whether it's making a purchase, filling out a form, or exploring more content.

Responsive Customer Support:
- Live Chat, Help Center, or Contact Information: Providing accessible customer support options helps users get assistance when needed, enhancing their overall experience.

- SSL Encryption: Ensuring the security of user data by using SSL certificates establishes trust and protects sensitive information.

Social Media Integration:
- Connectivity: Integrating social media platforms enables users to share and engage with the website's content, increasing its reach.

Analytics and Data Insights:
- Monitoring and Analysis: Regularly tracking website performance through analytics tools helps identify areas for improvement and assess the effectiveness of various elements.

Scalability and Flexibility:
- Adaptability: A great website is scalable and can adapt to changes in technology, user behavior, and business requirements over time.

- Inclusive Design: Ensuring that the website is accessible to users with disabilities promotes inclusivity and broadens the audience reach.

Brand Consistency:
- Unified Branding Elements: Consistent use of branding elements such as logos, colors, and messaging reinforces the brand identity and fosters recognition.

By incorporating these elements, a website can create a positive and memorable experience for its visitors, leading to increased user satisfaction, engagement, and potentially achieving its intended goals.

When engaging with potential clients for web development, it's important that we gather comprehensive information to understand their needs and expectations. Here are some questions we may ask:

Project Overview:
- What is the primary goal of your website?
- Can you provide a brief description of your business or organization?
- Do you have an existing website? If yes, what do you like and dislike about it?

Target Audience:
- Who is your target audience or customer demographic?
- What are the key messages you want to convey to your audience?

- What features and functionality do you envision for your website?
- Are there specific third-party integrations or services you need (e.g., payment gateways, CRM integration)?

Design Preferences:
- Do you have a preferred design style (e.g., modern, classic, minimalist)?
- Are there any specific color schemes or branding guidelines we should follow?

- Do you have existing content, or will you need assistance with content creation?
- How often do you plan to update or add new content to the website?

Budget and Timeline:
- What is your budget range for this project?
- Do you have a specific deadline or timeline for the website launch?

Maintenance and Support:
- Will you need ongoing maintenance and support for the website after the initial development?
- Who will be responsible for updating content and managing the website after it's live?

Competitor and Inspiration:
- Are there any websites you consider as competitors or that you admire for inspiration?
- What elements from other websites would you like to incorporate into yours?

SEO and Analytics:
- Do you have specific SEO goals for your website?
- Are there any analytics or tracking tools you would like to integrate for performance monitoring?

Mobile Responsiveness:
- How important is mobile responsiveness for your website?
- Are there specific mobile features or considerations we should keep in mind?

- What security measures do you expect for your website?
- Will there be user authentication and authorization requirements?

Future Scalability:
- Do you anticipate any significant changes or additions to your website in the future?
- How scalable do you want the website to be?

These questions can help us gather the necessary information to provide a more accurate and tailored proposal for the web development project.

Choosing CreateOKC as your design agency is not just a decision; it's an investment in innovation, motivation, and unparalleled creativity. Here are compelling reasons why our clients consistently choose us for their design needs:

Motivated Design Philosophy: At CreateOKC, motivation is at the core of everything we do. We believe that motivated designers produce extraordinary work. Our team is fueled by passion, commitment, and the desire to create designs that not only meet but exceed expectations.

Creative Excellence: We don't just design; we innovate. Our team of skilled designers is well-versed in the latest design trends, technologies, and methodologies. We push the boundaries to deliver creative solutions that stand out in a crowded market, helping your brand make a lasting impact.

Client-Centric Approach: Your satisfaction is our priority. We believe in open communication, collaboration, and transparency throughout the design process. Your feedback is not only valued but integral to shaping the final product. We work closely with you to understand your vision, goals, and preferences.

Remote Service Expertise: Distance is no obstacle for us. Our remote services are designed to provide you with the same level of excellence and dedication, regardless of your location. Through seamless virtual collaboration, we ensure that the creative process is efficient, effective, and tailored to your needs.

Versatility in Design Solutions: Whether you need a striking logo, a captivating website, or a comprehensive branding strategy, we've got you covered. Our versatility allows us to tackle a wide range of design projects, ensuring that your brand's identity is cohesive, compelling, and unforgettable.

Innovation and Adaptability: The design landscape is ever-evolving, and so are we. CreateOKC stays at the forefront of design trends and emerging technologies. We pride ourselves on our ability to adapt to industry changes, ensuring that your brand remains current and competitive.

Proven Track Record: Our portfolio speaks for itself. We have a proven track record of delivering successful design solutions for a diverse range of clients. From startups to established businesses, we've helped brands across industries elevate their visual identity and achieve their goals.

Passionate Team: Our designers aren't just skilled professionals; they're passionate creatives who genuinely love what they do. This passion translates into designs that go beyond aesthetics, telling a story and creating an emotional connection with your audience.

In choosing CreateOKC, you're not just hiring a design agency; you're partnering with a team that is dedicated to transforming your vision into a visual masterpiece. Elevate your brand with CreateOKC and experience the difference motivation, creativity, and commitment can make.

Welcome to CreateOKC, where motivation meets design excellence! We are not just a design agency; we are your partners in creating compelling, innovative, and purpose-driven visuals that speak volumes about your brand. What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to motivation as the driving force behind every project we undertake.

At CreateOKC, we understand that motivation is the key to unlocking creativity. Our team of highly skilled and motivated designers are passionate about delivering designs that not only captivate but also inspire. We believe that a motivated design is a powerful tool that can elevate your brand to new heights.

One of our standout features is our ability to provide exceptional remote services. In an increasingly interconnected world, we recognize the importance of flexibility and accessibility. Whether you're halfway across the globe or just down the street, our remote services ensure that distance is never a barrier to getting top-notch design solutions.

Our remote services encompass the entire design process, from initial concept development to the final polished product. Through virtual collaboration tools, regular video meetings, and a seamless communication workflow, we bring the creative process to you. You can expect the same level of dedication and expertise, regardless of your location.

Why choose CreateOKC for your remote design needs? Our team thrives on challenges, and distance is just another hurdle for us to overcome. With our commitment to motivation and cutting-edge design, we transform your ideas into visually stunning realities, no matter where you are in the world.

Join us at CreateOKC, where motivation fuels design, and distance is no match for our remote design prowess. Let's embark on a creative journey together, and watch your brand reach new heights with our motivated design solutions.


Key Features of CreateOKC's UX/UI Design Services:

User-Centric Approach: We prioritize the needs and preferences of your target audience, ensuring that the design resonates with users and enhances their overall experience.

Innovative Design Concepts: Our designers are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity to deliver designs that are not only visually stunning but also forward-thinking and on-trend.

Responsive and Adaptive Design: In today's multi-device world, we ensure that your design seamlessly adapts to various screen sizes and resolutions, providing a consistent and enjoyable experience across all platforms.

Collaborative Design Process: We believe in open communication and collaboration. Our iterative design process involves continuous feedback loops, keeping you involved at every stage to ensure the final product aligns perfectly with your vision.

Usability Testing: Before finalizing any design, we conduct rigorous usability testing to identify and address any potential user experience challenges, ensuring that the end product is user-friendly and efficient.

Scalable Solutions: Our designs are not just aesthetically pleasing; they are built to scale. Whether your user base grows rapidly or you introduce new features, our designs remain robust and adaptable.

Branding Integration: We seamlessly integrate your brand identity into the design, ensuring a cohesive and recognizable presence across all touchpoints.

At CreateOKC, we don't just design interfaces; we create immersive and delightful experiences that leave a lasting impression. Elevate your digital presence with our UX/UI design services and let your users enjoy a journey that is not just functional but also memorable. Trust CreateOKC to transform your vision into a visually stunning and user-friendly reality.

Key Features of CreateOKC's Web Development Services:

Custom Solutions: We don't believe in one-size-fits-all. Our web development services are tailored to your specific business needs, ensuring a unique and customized solution that aligns perfectly with your goals.

Cutting-Edge Technologies: Our team of experienced developers stays abreast of the latest technologies and frameworks. We leverage the power of cutting-edge tools to build websites that are not just functional but also future-proof.

Scalability: Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, our web development solutions are designed to scale. As your business grows, your website will seamlessly accommodate increased traffic and evolving requirements.

Responsive Design: In a world where users access websites from various devices, we prioritize responsive design. Your website will look and function flawlessly on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

User-Centric Navigation: User experience is at the heart of our web development philosophy. We create intuitive and user-friendly navigation, ensuring that visitors can easily find what they're looking for and enjoy a positive interaction with your site.

E-commerce Excellence: For businesses looking to sell products or services online, our e-commerce development services are tailored to provide a secure, efficient, and enjoyable shopping experience for your customers.

Cross-Browser Compatibility: We ensure that your website performs consistently across different web browsers, eliminating any compatibility issues and reaching a broader audience.

Security First: Security is a top priority in our web development process. We implement robust security measures to safeguard your website and user data from potential threats.

Content Management Systems (CMS): If you prefer managing your website content independently, we integrate user-friendly CMS solutions, empowering you to update and maintain your site effortlessly.

Collaborative Approach: We believe in transparent communication and collaboration. Throughout the development process, we keep you informed, seek your feedback, and make adjustments to ensure the final product aligns with your vision.

Partner with CreateOKC for a web development experience that goes beyond code – we build digital solutions that elevate your brand, engage your audience, and drive measurable results. Trust CreateOKC to transform your online presence into a dynamic and impactful force in the digital landscape.

We specialize in creating powerful Real Estate (IDX) Websites that redefine the online presence of real estate professionals and businesses. At CreateOKC, we recognize the unique challenges and opportunities within the real estate industry, and our IDX website development services are tailored to showcase properties effectively, engage visitors, and drive conversions.

Key Features of CreateOKC's Real Estate (IDX) Website Development:

Integrated IDX Solutions: We seamlessly integrate IDX (Internet Data Exchange) solutions into your website, providing real-time access to property listings, ensuring that your visitors have the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Custom Property Search: Our IDX websites feature advanced and customizable property search functionalities, allowing users to refine their searches based on specific criteria such as location, price range, property type, and more.

Responsive Design: With the majority of real estate searches happening on mobile devices, we prioritize responsive design. Your IDX website will provide an optimal viewing experience across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

High-Quality Visuals: We understand the importance of visually appealing content in the real estate industry. Our websites showcase high-quality images, virtual tours, and interactive maps to provide an immersive experience for potential buyers.

Lead Capture and Management: Our IDX websites are equipped with robust lead capture and management tools, allowing you to capture visitor information, track user behavior, and nurture leads effectively.

Interactive Features: Engage your audience with interactive features such as mortgage calculators, property comparison tools, and neighborhood information, enhancing the overall user experience.

SEO Optimization: We implement SEO best practices to ensure your IDX website is discoverable by search engines, driving organic traffic and increasing the visibility of your property listings.

Social Media Integration: Extend the reach of your listings by integrating social media sharing functionalities, making it easy for users to share properties on their preferred social platforms.

Custom Branding: Your IDX website will reflect your unique brand identity, creating a cohesive and professional online presence that resonates with your target audience.

Compliance with Industry Standards: We adhere to industry standards and regulations, ensuring that your IDX website complies with real estate data-sharing requirements and provides a secure and trustworthy platform for users.

At CreateOKC, we go beyond creating websites; we build digital platforms that empower real estate professionals to showcase their properties effectively and connect with potential buyers seamlessly. Trust CreateOKC to elevate your real estate business with an IDX website that combines functionality, aesthetics, and user-friendly features. Transform your online presence and lead the way in the competitive real estate market with CreateOKC's expertise.

Crafting inspiring and purpose-driven websites for churches. At CreateOKC, we understand the unique needs of religious organizations, and our Church Website Development services are designed to help you connect with your community, share your message, and foster a sense of belonging.

Key Features of CreateOKC's Church Website Development:

Engaging Design: We create visually stunning and spiritually uplifting designs that reflect the ethos and identity of your church. Our goal is to provide a welcoming online environment that resonates with both members and visitors.

Sermon Archives and Media Integration: Showcase and organize your sermons, teachings, and worship services with ease. Our websites feature user-friendly sermon archives and seamless integration of audio and video media to enhance the online worship experience.

Event Calendar: Keep your congregation informed about upcoming events, services, and community gatherings through an intuitive and interactive event calendar. Users can easily navigate and stay engaged with your church's activities.

Online Giving and Donations: Facilitate seamless online giving and donations. Our secure and user-friendly donation features make it easy for members to contribute to the church's mission and support various initiatives.

Prayer Requests and Communication: Foster community and connection through prayer request forms and interactive communication features. Strengthen the bonds within your congregation by providing a platform for members to share their prayer needs and receive support.

Responsive Design: With a growing number of users accessing websites on various devices, we prioritize responsive design to ensure a consistent and enjoyable experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Integration with Social Platforms: Extend the reach of your church community by integrating social media platforms. Share events, sermons, and updates seamlessly across social channels, fostering engagement and connectivity.

Customized Ministry Pages: Highlight different ministries, programs, and outreach initiatives with dedicated pages. Showcase the diversity of your church's activities and provide comprehensive information for members and newcomers alike.

Newsletter and Announcements: Keep your community informed with newsletters and announcements. Our websites support easy newsletter subscriptions and distribution to keep members updated on the latest news and happenings.

Accessibility and Inclusivity: We design websites with accessibility in mind, ensuring that everyone, regardless of abilities, can access and engage with your content. Embrace inclusivity by providing a welcoming digital space for all.

At CreateOKC, we go beyond creating websites; we build digital sanctuaries that amplify the mission and spirit of your church. Trust CreateOKC to enhance your online presence with a website that embodies the essence of your faith community, fostering connection, engagement, and spiritual growth. Transform your digital outreach and connect with your congregation in a meaningful way with CreateOKC's Church Website Development services.

We redefine online presence through our expert Social Media Marketing services. At CreateOKC, we understand the dynamic landscape of social media and harness its power to elevate your brand, engage your audience, and drive meaningful results. Our Social Media Marketing services are tailored to help you navigate the digital realm with strategic precision, ensuring that your brand not only stands out but thrives in the social media ecosystem.

Key Features of CreateOKC's Social Media Marketing Services:

Strategic Social Media Planning: We begin by crafting a customized social media strategy that aligns with your business goals. From platform selection to content planning, we ensure that every aspect of your social media presence is intentional and impactful.

Content Creation and Curation: Our team of creative minds develops compelling and shareable content that resonates with your target audience. From eye-catching visuals to engaging copy, we create a cohesive brand narrative that captures attention and encourages interaction.

Audience Engagement: Building a community around your brand is at the core of our approach. We engage with your audience through meaningful interactions, responding to comments, messages, and fostering a sense of connection that goes beyond the digital space.

Social Media Advertising: Unlock the full potential of targeted advertising on social platforms. We design and execute effective ad campaigns that reach your specific audience, driving traffic, leads, and conversions to meet your business objectives.

Data-Driven Analytics: Our Social Media Marketing services are backed by robust analytics and reporting. We track key performance indicators, measure campaign success, and provide insights that inform ongoing strategies, ensuring continuous improvement and optimization.

Brand Consistency: We maintain a consistent brand image across all social platforms. From visual elements to tone of voice, we ensure that your brand identity remains cohesive, recognizable, and aligned with your overall marketing objectives.

Influencer Collaborations: Harness the influence of social media personalities to amplify your brand's reach. We identify and collaborate with influencers whose audience aligns with your target demographic, creating authentic partnerships that resonate with followers.

Community Building: Cultivate a loyal online community. We implement strategies to foster user-generated content, encourage discussions, and create a sense of belonging, turning followers into brand advocates.

Trend Analysis and Adaptation: Social media is ever-evolving, and we stay ahead of trends. Our team keeps a pulse on the latest industry trends, ensuring that your social media strategy remains current, relevant, and reflective of your brand's personality.

Strategic Partnerships: Explore collaboration opportunities within your industry. We identify and initiate partnerships that enhance your brand's visibility, credibility, and reach through mutually beneficial relationships.

We don't just manage social media; we craft a digital narrative that resonates with your audience, fosters connection, and propels your brand to new heights. Trust CreateOKC to navigate the ever-changing landscape of social media with a tailored approach that brings your brand to life in the digital realm. Transform your social media presence with CreateOKC's Social Media Marketing expertise.

We recognize the power of targeted advertising and leverage PPC strategies to propel your brand to the forefront of search engine results, maximizing exposure, driving traffic, and delivering measurable results. Our PPC Advertising services are meticulously crafted to ensure that every click contributes to your business goals, making each investment count in the digital marketplace.

Key Features of CreateOKC's PPC Advertising Services:

Strategic Campaign Planning: We kick off by developing a comprehensive PPC strategy aligned with your business objectives. From keyword research to audience targeting, our approach is rooted in strategic planning to maximize the impact of your PPC campaigns.

Ad Copywriting and Creative Design: Our team of skilled copywriters and designers create compelling ad copy and visuals that captivate your audience's attention. We focus on crafting messages that resonate with your target audience, driving engagement and encouraging click-throughs.

Targeted Audience Segmentation: Precision is key in PPC advertising. We segment your target audience based on demographics, behaviors, and interests, ensuring that your ads reach the most relevant and receptive audience segments.

Ad Platforms Expertise: Whether it's Google Ads, Bing Ads, or social media platforms, we are well-versed in the nuances of different ad platforms. Our expertise allows us to tailor campaigns that leverage the strengths of each platform to optimize your reach.

Conversion Tracking and Analytics: We implement robust tracking mechanisms to monitor the performance of your PPC campaigns. Through detailed analytics and conversion tracking, we provide insights that enable continuous refinement and optimization for enhanced campaign effectiveness.

Budget Management: We understand the importance of maximizing your advertising budget. Our team carefully manages your budget allocation, optimizing bids and adjusting strategies to ensure you get the best return on investment (ROI).

Competitor Analysis: Stay one step ahead with thorough competitor analysis. We monitor competitor strategies, identify opportunities, and adjust our approach to maintain a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

A/B Testing: To fine-tune campaign performance, we conduct A/B testing on ad variations, headlines, and visuals. This iterative testing process helps us identify the most effective elements and refine your campaigns for optimal results.

Landing Page Optimization: A seamless transition from click to conversion is crucial. We optimize landing pages to align with ad messaging, providing a cohesive user experience and increasing the likelihood of conversions.

Regular Reporting and Communication: Stay informed with transparent reporting. We provide regular updates on campaign performance, key metrics, and actionable insights, fostering open communication and collaboration throughout our partnership.

At CreateOKC, we go beyond clicks; we focus on driving meaningful engagements, conversions, and business growth through strategic PPC advertising. Trust CreateOKC to navigate the complex landscape of paid advertising with a tailored approach that maximizes your online visibility and generates tangible results. Transform your digital advertising strategy with CreateOKC's PPC Advertising expertise.