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Whether you’re looking for quotes or you’re ready to hire, or if you’d like to speak with some Seattle-based Cleaning Contractors, we can help.

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Focus Mendes LLC profile image

Focus Mendes LLC

Focus Mendes is a leading company in the cleaning sector, known for providing exceptional service to our clients. Our commitment to quality is second to none. We use the best cleaning products available on the market, guaranteeing a clean and safe environment. Our team is highly trained and dedicated to providing a high quality service, meeting and exceeding customer expectations. At Focus Mendes, we believe that a clean environment is a healthy environment. Therefore, we strive to provide quality cleaning solutions that not only meet, but exceed industry standards. Whether it's a home, office or commercial space, we guarantee customer satisfaction at all times.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

What I like most about my job at Focus Mendes is the satisfaction of seeing an environment transformed through our cleaning service. Each space we clean changes from a cluttered and dirty area to a clean and welcoming place. This transformation not only improves the appearance of the place, but also creates a healthier and more productive environment for the people who use it.

What inspired you to start your own business?

Passion for our work, the desire to make a difference and the opportunity to shape our own future were the main inspirations for starting our own business.

Why should our clients choose you?

Superior Quality: Our commitment to quality is second to none. We use the best materials and techniques to ensure that each job is carried out to the highest standard.

Exceptional Customer Service: Our goal is to exceed customer expectations in every interaction. We are always available to answer questions, solve problems and ensure that our customers are satisfied with our service.

Experience and Knowledge: We have a highly experienced and qualified team who understand the nuances of our sector. This enables us to provide effective and efficient solutions for our clients.

Competitive Prices: We offer competitive prices without compromising on quality. Our aim is to provide the best value for our customers.

Reliability: Our customers can trust us to keep our promises. We meet deadlines, maintain open and honest communication and strive to exceed expectations in every aspect of our work.

In short, the quality of our work, exceptional customer service, our experience and knowledge, competitive prices and reliability make us the ideal choice for our customers.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Yes, we can offer our services remotely or online. Here are some details:

1. **Online Consulting: We can offer online consulting to help clients understand their cleaning needs and develop an effective cleaning plan.

2. **Online Scheduling**: Customers can schedule services, make changes to their schedules.

3. **Online Customer Support: Our customer support team is available online to answer questions, solve problems and ensure that our customers are satisfied with our services.

Please note that although we can offer many services online, the cleaning itself will have to be carried out physically at the location designated by the client. However, we are committed to doing this in a way that is safe and convenient for our customers.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

Enhanced Cleaning Protocols: We have introduced enhanced cleaning protocols that include the regular disinfection of high-contact surfaces and the use of EPA-approved cleaning products to combat the coronavirus.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Our team is equipped with PPE, including masks and gloves, to protect both staff and clients.

Social Distancing: We implement social distancing practices in our work. This can include limiting the number of workers in one location at a time and avoiding direct contact with customers when possible.

Employee Health Checks: We carry out regular health checks with our staff to ensure that no one is showing symptoms of Covid-19.

Employee training: All our employees have received training on best practices to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

These are just some of the steps we have taken to ensure the safety of our customers during the pandemic. We are committed to providing a safe and high-quality service during these challenging times.

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based on 367 reviews

The average rating for Bark Cleaning Contractors in Seattle is 4.90, based on 367 reviews.

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