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Spanish Translations and Interpretation Services profile image

Spanish Translations and Interpretation Services

‘21 Certificate of Excellence

Nos avalan 16 años de experiencia en NZ con el respaldo de profesionales para ayudarle con los documetos que necesite, We provide a first-class certified translation service. If you need to have official documents translated, including birth certificates, marriage certificates, police clearance, work reference letters, academic documents or similar, we can help you. When translating very important official documents like these 100% accuracy is crucial as each of these documents require an official stamp to confirm that the work has been completed by a qualified, certified translator.

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Hear from
a professional

What do you love most about your job?

Knowing that we offer accurate, ethical services. The satisfaction that you're delivering the best job and the guarantee customer satisfaction.

What inspired you to start your own business?

I graduated as an English < > Spanish translator in 2000 in Argentina and furthered my studies in New Zealand. Knowing that I was highly qualified to offer Spanish services motivated me to start my own business in 2004. I 've never looked back and the growth has been steady.

Why should our clients choose you?

All our Spanish Translators and Interpreters are native speakers who hold full membership of the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI) with many years of experience. Our team is made up of qualified expert translators, linguists and proofreaders.

Can you provide your services online or remotely? If so, please add details.

Keeping up with technology and market demands we offer digital translations with digital signatures. Ever increasing use of online applications results in no need for printing translations which ensures that we can protect the environment. However, should you need a printed translation, we will be happy to offer it to you.
We also provide services of telephone interpreting and video-conferencing.

What changes have you made to keep your customers safe from Covid-19?

Request documents to be sent online and provide digital translations in PDF format.
Increased phone interpreting. This is an ever-growing trend and most hospitals and medical centres implement it. Rather than attending an appointment in person, the meeting is held via phone with the doctor-patient-interpreter. It has proven to be very effective and the demand is increasing.

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based on 80 reviews

Very happy and thankful for the professional, kind, fast and honest service! I definitely recommend Global Translations - and Nura specifically - if you are looking for a certified translation to travel and drive in New Zealand or for a certified translation in general!

31 Jan 2023

Very happy and thankful for the professional, kind, fast and honest service! I definitely recommend Global Translations - and Nura specifically - if you are looking for a certified translation to travel and drive in New Zealand or for a certified translation in general!

31 Jan 2023

I really appreciate Nura for her best service. She really help me out to complete the document in day on urgent request. I must recommend them. I’m happy with their service and they are very helpful

13 Jan 2023

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